Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Aidan Nine Month Update

Aidan turned 9 months old a couple of weeks ago!  Last month he celebrated his first Halloween, started eating all regular table food, moved to the older babies' classroom at school, grew 4 new teeth, started scooting around and trying to crawl, got to meet Aunt Brennan for the first time, and got to see GiGi and Daideo and Sean.  It was an eventful month!

9 months old 11/2/17
Weight: 21 lbs 3 oz (59%)
Height: 28 in (40%)
Teeth: 6
Clothes size: 12 mos
Diaper size: 4

What's New
4 top teeth
Eating all table food
Infant 2 classroom at school
Scooting on bottom and rolling to get to toys
Can get from sitting to his tummy
Says "Dada" (Mommy says he's babbling, not really saying Daddy!)
Separation anxiety (that means he sometimes gets sad when Mommy leaves)

Hanging out with big brother and sister and cousins
Bread, meatloaf, hummus, bananas, sweet potatoes
Touch and feel books
Bath time
Mommy snuggles

Video of the Month
Check out this video of me making Aidan laugh in the bath!

First time with his own rhythm sticks at music class

Silliness crew

Annual trip to Louisburg Cider Mill

Future soccer star

First trip to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin

Cutest dinosaur ever! 
With Papa at the church Trunk or Treat

Snuggle time with Mommy at Caitlin's school Halloween party

Happy boy in his high chair
eating spaghetti squash bolognese

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Aidan 8 Month Update

My sweet little brother is 8 months old!  He just keeps getting bigger!  This month he's started eating some regular food (Mommy calls it table food), rolling over on his tummy to sleep sometimes, and spent lots of time sitting up playing with toys and watching the rest of the family live our crazy and busy lives! 
8 months old 10/2/17
What's New
Eating baby pancakes, muffins, chicken, meatloaf, cooked carrots, and few other finger foods
Taking sips of water from a sippy cup
More regular naps morning, afternoon, and sometimes evening

Still loves to laugh!
Reading books
Pancakes and muffins
Splashing in the bath
Playing with toys
Facing forward in the Ergo carrier

It's been a busy and crazy month with me starting kindergarten and the boys starting a new day care, but we made time for some fun!
Yummy muffin

Junior firefighter at Blue Valley Touch-a-Truck

Ready to go apple picking on Daddy's birthday

The birthday boy and the little man

Family photo at the apple orchard

Grilled cheese = yum!

Next goal: crawling

Mommy's boy

Loving bath time

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Aidan 7 Month Update

Aidan turned 7 months old last weekend!  We were out of town for the weekend for my Great Great Aunt Lena's 90th birthday party in Iowa, so I'm a little late posting!  This month Aidan has started sleeping all night, sitting up really well, trying to move around more, and eating lots of baby food.  He also has longer, fuzzy hair that likes to stick straight up in the back!

7 months old 9/2/17
What's New
Sleeping all night (except when we're at a hotel, of course!)
Sitting up well
Rolling both ways
2 bottom teeth and working on more
Eating 3 meals/day of baby food
Started a new day care, Special Beginnings

Pears, apples, and peaches (baby food)
Peanut butter oatmeal
Talking (baby jabber)
Snuggling, especially when's he's sleepy
Playing with musical toys and rattles
Chewing on everything!
Stroller walks and jogs
Laughing at Liam and me when we're being silly

Check out this video of Aidan laughing at my silly peek a boo game after his photo shoot.  He was losing it!

Pool time with Mommy

Meeting our new baby cousin, Evie


First day at our new schools

I took this picture before one of our morning walks to take me to school!

Hanging out with Daddy at my birthday party

Practicing sitting up

Nana and Papa and the 2 youngest grandbabies

Sibling couch time

Hanging out with me in the front yard

Snoozing after a trip to the park

He tries to get everything Mommy eats or drinks, even her beer!

Climbing on the lion statues at the Omaha Zoo last week


He loved the zoo!

Sitting up in the cart at the store like a big boy.

I love my little buddy!