Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Coming Home

Last Saturday I got to leave the hospital and move home with Mommy and Daddy.  Of course, Mommy dressed me up in a silly outfit and took lots of pictures first.

All dressed up in my watermelon dress to go home.

Snuggled up in my car seat for the drive.  I hope Mommy and Daddy get better at getting me in this thing!
Riding home.  Cars make me sleepy.  :)
When we got home, I got to meet my puppy and my kitties for the first time.  I'm not sure the kitties have really decided what they think about me yet, but I think Darcy likes me!  She likes to follow me around the house whenever someone is carrying me. 

Meeting Zeke when we first got home
Daddy introducing me to Darcy

Darcy likes to sniff me a lot.
On Saturday night after we got home, my whole Turner family came over to have dinner and see me.  I even got to meet my Aunt Meredith for the first time cause she came home from Colorado the same day.

With my Aunties Hilary and Meredith
Meeting Aunt Meredith
So far it's been really nice to be at home with Mommy and Daddy.  We had our first outing yesterday to go to the doctor.  Dr. Hicks was really nice, but she poked and prodded me a lot and I didn't like it.  Mommy also told the doctor that I was a really good baby and hadn't spit up once.  So I made sure to spit up on Mommy later that night.

Mommy and Daddy sure do lots of stuff around the house.  I don't know why: they should just be like me and sleep and eat all day long.  Oh well.  Daddy goes back to work in a few days, and then the busy time for Mommy will really start!

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Birthday!

Hi!  My name is Caitlin Brooks Hussey, but you can also call me Cate!  I was born 2 days ago on August 22nd, 2012.  I weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20 inches long.  My parents were so stoked to finally meet me! 
With Mommy and Daddy right after I came out
My mommy had to have a c-section, whatever that is, because the doctors said I was upside down.  I didn't know I was supposed to have my bottom sticking up and come out head first!  Mommy and I have been doing really good, though, and she's already been able to get up and carry me around some at the hospital.  
Snuggling with Mommy after I came out
Hanging out with Daddy
While I've been staying at the hospital, I've gotten to meet lots of new people, like my Nana and Papa, Aunt Hilary and Uncle Jake, and lots of Mommy and Daddy's friends.  I'm pretty popular already, and everyone loves to talk about my hair, but I'm not really sure why!
Meeting Nana and Papa
With Great Aunt Marilyn and my Great Grandma Killion
With my proud Aunt Hilary
My Newborn Habits
I'm only a couple of days old, but Mommy and Daddy say I already have some funny habits. 

I like to be swaddled (that means wrapped up tight like a burrito!), but I like to have my hands left out so I can suck on them and chew on them.  Mommy and Daddy like this because it helps me soothe myself (that means make myself feel better when I get grumpy!).

Chewing on my fingers
Also, because I was upside down in Mommy's tummy, my legs were folded up, so I like to keep my feet sticking up funny.

Doing a high kick on the exam table right after I was born
The nurses and doctors at the hospital have all been really really nice, but  we're excited to go home tomorrow.  Mommy and Daddy told me I have a doggie and 2 kitties.  I hope they like me!

Here are some more of Mommy and Daddy's favorite pictures of me so far.  Mommy likes to take LOTS of pictures, so I'm trying my best to be photogenic (that means look pretty for the camera).