So every month, Mommy is going to take my picture, and
I'm going to write a post all about what's been going on with me for the
last month. This is the first one since I just turned one month old!
One month old on 9/22/12 |
One Month Stats
Weight: 10 lbs (I'm growing fast!)
Hair color: Very dark brown
Eye color: Still blue, but Mommy and Daddy think it will probably change. We'll see!
One Month Habits
Eating: I nurse with Mommy every 2.5-3 hours during the day and take a 3-4 oz. bottle from Daddy once almost every day, usually around dinner time when he gets home from work.
Sleeping: When I first came home, I was sleeping a whole lot during the day and night! Now I still sleep a lot, but I'm starting to be awake more during the day (and every once in a while in the middle of the night, just to keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes!). I go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 and usually get up twice at night to eat, and then go right back to sleep (usually...). I get up in the morning any time between 6:30 and 8, and I am starting to take two long naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Mommy has been working hard to try to get me on a schedule, but sometimes I still like to give her a hard time by changing things up! ;) For the last week, I have been sleeping in my crib at night and for at least one of my naps.
Skills: I can roll from my back to my side, and in fact I like to sleep on my side most of the time. I'm also pretty good at lifting my head up on my tummy when I'm on Mommy or Daddy's chest or propped up on my Boppy pillow. I'm getting really good at kicking my legs, and I'm also starting to try to focus on people's faces more and look for noises and lights when they're close by. I've started making noises that Mommy calls "coos" when I'm happy and playing. I have 2 toys that I like to play with, but my favorite thing to look at is this thing called a ceiling fan. So cool!
Video of the Month
Check out this video of my first bath!