Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One Month Update

So every month, Mommy is going to take my picture, and I'm going to write a post all about what's been going on with me for the last month.  This is the first one since I just turned one month old!  

One month old on 9/22/12
I turned one month on Saturday, the same day my daddy turned 28 years old!  It was the only time we'll ever get to share our birthday, and it was super fun!  We spent the day relaxing as a family and enjoying the weather, which was awesome! 

One Month Stats
Weight: 10 lbs (I'm growing fast!)
Hair color:  Very dark brown
Eye color:  Still blue, but Mommy and Daddy think it will probably change.  We'll see!

One Month Habits
Eating:  I nurse with Mommy every 2.5-3 hours during the day and take a 3-4 oz. bottle from Daddy once almost every day, usually around dinner time when he gets home from work.

Sleeping:  When I first came home, I was sleeping a whole lot during the day and night!  Now I still sleep a lot, but I'm starting to be awake more during the day (and every once in a while in the middle of the night, just to keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes!).  I go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 and usually get up twice at night to eat, and then go right back to sleep (usually...).  I get up in the morning any time between 6:30 and 8, and I am starting to take two long naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Mommy has been working hard to try to get me on a schedule, but sometimes I still like to give her a hard time by changing things up!  ;)  For the last week, I have been sleeping in my crib at night and for at least one of my naps.

Skills:  I can roll from my back to my side, and in fact I like to sleep on my side most of the time.  I'm also pretty good at lifting my head up on my tummy when I'm on Mommy or Daddy's chest or propped up on my Boppy pillow.  I'm getting really good at kicking my legs, and I'm also starting to try to focus on people's faces more and look for noises and lights when they're close by.  I've started making noises that Mommy calls "coos" when I'm happy and playing.  I have 2 toys that I like to play with, but my favorite thing to look at is this thing called a ceiling fan.  So cool!

Video of the Month
Check out this video of my first bath!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This week I found out that I have 2 grandmas!  There's Nana, who is Mommy's mom, and this week I got to meet Daddy's mom.  She doesn't have a grandma name yet because she hasn't decided what I should call her.  We'll talk more about that later...

When she got here on Thursday night, I got to stay up to meet her, which was fun, but then I was super tired and grumpy and didn't want to go to sleep!  Everyone took turns bouncing me and rocking me to help me calm down, and I finally did fall asleep for the night around Mommy and Daddy's bed time. 

Meeting for the first time when Daddy first brought her home from the airport.
I was so happy to meet her!
On Friday, Daddy had to go to work, but then we went and met him for lunch at a place called a restaurant (where they cook food and bring it to you instead of you having to cook it yourself!).  It was my first time to one of those!

We went to a place called The Big Biscuit.  They did have really big biscuits!
I took a turn eating while we were there, too.  No biscuits for me yet!
Mommy had me all dressed up with a silly flower in my hair again...
After lunch, Mommy had an appointment to go get her hair done, so Daddy went back to work, and we went to the salon.  I was getting tired, so all I wanted to do was be bounced the whole time, which made Grandma Pam's arm super sore!  All the ladies at the salon wanted to peek at me and admire me.  Sarah, who cuts Mommy and Daddy's hair, got to meet me too.  She says I have my Daddy's "cowlicks," whatever those are!  After the salon, I fell asleep in the car and Mommy and Grandma Pam took me shopping for some new nighties because I'm getting too big for some of mine already!

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we mostly just hung out at home and relaxed.  Mommy and Grandma Pam did go to a store called The Learning Tree to buy me a new toy, which is awesome!  It's black and white, so I can see it really well, and I love to stare at the patterns.  Besides playing, we went for some stroller walks, had some bedtime baths, and snuggled a lot!  I loved having someone else around to snuggle me!

Check out my new toy!  Isn't it awesome?!
Snuggled up in my towel after bath time.
Playing on the couch.
Everyone was so proud of how well I can hold my head up on my tummy already!
Overall, it was an awesome long weekend!  I had so much fun, and Mommy and Daddy really enjoyed having some help taking care of me and taking care of the house for a few days. 

Now that I've met her, we really have to decide what I should call her.  See, she's a really young grandma, so she's too young to be Grandma or Granny or Me Ma or anything like that.  Here are the favorites we've come up with so far:

1)  GG
2)  Grandpam
3)  Grandmomert (it's a long story, but it has something to do with my goofy Aunt Brennan who I haven't met yet...)

What do you think?  You can vote for your favorite or make your own suggestion!

Snuggling with Nana and _____.  I'm such a lucky girl to have 2 grandmas who love me so much!  I'm going to be so spoiled!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My First Social Outing: Seth & Emma's Wedding

Last weekend I went out with Mom & Dad on my first social outing.  Their friend Seth was getting married, and they weren't sure if they would be able to go since I'm still so little, but the doctor said it was ok as long as they didn't pass me around to everyone!  It was fun!
Nana showing me off to her friends
Family pic with Mommy & Daddy.  We were all dressed up!  I got to hang out in this comfy sling with Mommy most of the time.
Hanging out with Daddy.  It was pretty noisy and crazy at the reception, so I just decided to sleep through most of it.
Meeting Seth and saying congratulations!
Overall, it was a really good time!  The only thing I didn't really like was some noisy instrument called bagpipes that they played at the wedding ceremony.  Too noisy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Week of Firsts

So I've been home for a week and half now already, and it has been busy!  I've been getting to do and see lots of things for the first time, but since I still sleep most of the time, I don't really remember all of them!

First sponge bath after getting home from the hospital.  My favorite part is getting my hair washed!
Watching my first Braves game on TV.  I'm still working on my Tomahawk chop.

Getting ready to go out for my first stroller walk.
Meeting Shane and Christopher for the first time.  I've met a lot of new people, but these 2 are definitely the silliest!
I also went to the doctor for the first and the second time already, and I have lots of other firsts coming up this week.  Mommy and Daddy are super excited because my umbilical cord (the shriveled yucky thingy in my belly button that used to feed me when I was in Mommy's tummy) finally fell out last night, so tonight I get to take my first real bath.  Don't worry, I'm sure there will be lots of pictures and maybe even a video.  My parents are worse than the paparazzi!  I also get to go on my first big outing this weekend to Mommy and Daddy's friend Seth's wedding.  Can't wait to see what silly dress Mommy puts me in this time!