Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Eleven Month Update

Eleven months old 7/22/13
Sorry this post is one week late!  I turned 11 months old last Monday, but Mommy and I were on a plane headed to Savannah for my first beach week at Tybee Island.  I'll tell you all about my trip soon, but first here's what's going on with me this month!

Too busy to sit still for pictures!
Eleven Month Stats
Weight: 23 lbs 11 oz
Clothes size: 12-18 mos
Diaper size: 3

Eleven Month Habits
Eating:  I am almost done using a bottle already!  I have gotten really good at using my sippy cup since I've had so much practice with water at meal times, so now I am using my sippy cup to drink my milk during the day and I only take a bottle at bed time.  I am still drinking breastmilk that Mommy pumps for now, but I will be switching to cow's milk soon!  I eat 3 good meals a day and sometimes have a snack at day care in the afternoon, too.
Favorite foods: berries (except raspberries, I don't like those), bread, and pasta (especially macaroni and cheese)

Sleeping:  I go to bed around 7-7:30 and sleep until 6-6:30 in the morning.  I still take a morning nap and an afternoon nap every day.  I've been better lately and haven't skipped any naps at day care, but I still nap for shorter there than I do at home.  Last week on vacation, I took some super long naps because I was so worn out from all the activity.  One afternoon I took a nap for 3 hours!

Eleven Month Skills
Mobility/play:  I'm crawling!  I'm getting better and better at it, and sometimes I even try to follow Mommy or Daddy out of the room if they try to walk away.  I have pulled up to standing by myself once, but usually I just get to my knees and get one foot up and then get stuck.  I love to stand and can cruise a couple of steps, but I'm kind of wild so someone has to be pretty close by when I'm standing in case I wipe out!  I've had a couple of crash booms so far.
Favorite toys: lift the flap books like Dear Zoo and anything by Karen Katz, music table, stuffed animals, anything I can shake that makes a fun noise, and I also love to look at pictures of people (especially other babies)
New words: dog ("gog"), fish ("ish"), I've said Da-da a few times (usually sounds like "Gah-gah")and last week I said GiGi a couple of times while I was visiting Daideo and GiGi in Savannah!
New signs: I can sign all done, but I will only do it every once in a while

Other Favorite Pics
So happy to be crawling!

Pool time with Mommy 
Happy 4th of July! 
Daddy put a little too much jam on my toast...yum yum! 
Playing in my backyard pool
I LOVE my doggy!
Video of the Month
Check out this video of me practicing my crawling and discovering the dog bowls... They're really noisy!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Eat More Chikin

Happy Cow Appreciation Day 2013!
Today, Mommy and Daddy and I did something very silly!  We got dressed up like cows and went to a restaurant called Chick Fil-A.  See, it's a tradition that Mommy and Daddy started with their friends when they were in grad school living in Atlanta before I was born.  One day Mommy and her friends saw a sign outside the Chick Fil-A restaurant when they were driving by that said on one day that summer, if you came to the restaurant dressed up like a cow, you could eat for free.  It was called "Cow Appreciation Day" because the cows want you to eat more chicken and less beef!  So, she and her friends made costumes, and they went.  The first year only the girls dressed up because the boys thought they were too cool, but they had to pay for their food and the girls didn't!

Every year since then, Mommy and Daddy have gotten dressed up and gone, sometimes with their friends, sometimes with Aunt Meredith and Uncle Chris, and sometimes by themselves.  This year was my first time (hopefully of many)!  I got to eat my very first chicken nuggets, and they were pretty delicious!
First taste of chicken nuggets 
Sharing with Mommy
Taken from the view of my chicken nuggets :)
Playing with Mommy's drink cup
It was a blast!  Can't wait to keep this tradition with my family every year!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Here I go!

Here comes trouble!
I haven't been feeling very well this week, but I've still managed to find some time to figure out this crawling thing a little bit while I've been at home so much!  I've been trying for a while but kept getting one of my feet stuck when I tried to get on my hands and knees, so I would just sit back up and try again.  This week I figured out how to go forward a few steps!  Check me out!

I've been practicing a little bit every day, so hopefully I'll be quicker soon!  Next I want to learn how to stand up by myself because I LOVE to stand at the furniture in our hearth room!