Monday, December 2, 2013

Fifteen Month Update

I don't have any special pictures with a sticker telling my age on my belly this time, but it's been a while since I wrote an update, so I thought I'd tell you what I've been up to lately!
Fifteen months old 11/22/13
I turned 15 months old last week.  Over the last 3 months I've really grown from a baby to a toddler.  I even moved up at day care to the toddler room.  It's called the Bears room, and I absolutely love it!  We make crafts and have group story time and spend lots of time playing outside.  It's great!

Fifteen Month Stats
Weight: 26 lbs 4 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 32 in (90th percentile)
Head circumference: 19.5 in (100th percentile)
Clothes size: 18-24 mos
Diaper size: 4
Trying on Mommy's hat
Trying my first s'more at a bonfire with Mommy and Daddy's friends
Having a ball at bath time!
Fifteen month habits
Eating:  I still love to eat! When it's getting close to meal time, I'll even walk over to my high chair and tell Mommy and Daddy "eat, eat" to make sure they remember to feed me!  I eat 3 meals, plus an afternoon snack around 3.  I've started practicing to use a spoon and a fork by myself, but mostly I just make a big mess!
Favorite foods: macaroni and cheese, bread, pancakes, scrambled eggs, cooked carrots, mandarin oranges

Sleeping: I go to bed at 7:30 and sleep until around 7am (unless it's the weekend and I feel like waking Mommy and Daddy up early around 6!).  I take 1 nap in the afternoon from around 12:30 to 3.  I love to read books before nap time and bed time.

Play/Skills:  I started taking a few steps when I was 13 months old and walking really well at 14 months.  I'm really fast now!  I can also crawl up the stairs and stand up by myself from the middle of the floor without using the furniture.  I can stack 3-4 blocks on top of each other and put a chunky puzzle together with a little help.  I can push myself backwards in my cozy coupe car.  Daddy says I need to learn how to shift out of reverse, but I'm perfectly happy going backwards for now!  
Favorite toys: Odie and Bodhi, a stuffed dog and elephant that my Aunt Brennan and Aunt Hilary gave me, blocks, shape sorters, my animal farm puzzle, books (especially Sandra Boynton and Your Baby Can Read books!), and my cozy coupe 
New words and signs: way too many to count!  Some of my favorites: ball, baby, animal sounds (especially moo, baa, and neigh), please, and no (of course!)

Practicing using a spoon and making a huge mess!
Driving my cozy coupe
Love my Odie and Bodhi
Being a toddler is exhausting!