Thursday, April 30, 2015

Little Man's First Week at Home

My little brother, Liam, has been home with us for 1 whole week now!  He's so cute, and so far I'm still super in love with him.  I did ask Mommy when he was going to go back into her tummy once, but mostly because I was curious and not because I wanted him to!
Little guy likes his bouncy seat
Liam likes to sleep a lot, which Mommy & Daddy say is normal for a brand new baby.  He doesn't sleep very long at night yet, though, so Mommy & Daddy are very tired!  He usually doesn't bother me at night, though, luckily!  Mommy says he's a pretty chill baby otherwise.  He's usually happy and will play on his tummy or on his back on the couch without getting fussy for quite a while.  He really likes his wubbanub, which is a kind of binky, and I love to help hold it for him.  
Sleeping in his cradle that Daideo made for Daddy a looong time ago
I love to give him kisses!
Family time on the couch
Mommy calls this his stinker face
Playing with a toy GiGi bought for me when I was a little baby 
I love his dinosaur jammies! 
Smiling in his sleep 
Holding him all by myself 
Sharing Mommy's lap
Liam's first time outside watching me play
Brother/sister tummy time
At home we like to call him Little Man, Little Guy, or Little Liam a lot.  My favorite is to call him Little Guy.  Check out this video of me talking to him:

Sunday, April 26, 2015

I'm a Big Sister!!!

My baby brother Liam is finally here!  
Isn't he so cute?!
For the last few weeks (ever since my baby cousin James was born), I kept asking my mommy every time we went to the doctor if she was going to help get baby Liam out now.  Mommy just kept saying "Not yet, but soon."  I was starting to think it was never going to happen, but then last Monday, it did!  I went to bed on Sunday night at home with Mommy and Daddy, but when I woke up on Monday morning, they were gone and Papa was here.  I was so excited to see Papa that I didn't even ask him where Mommy and Daddy were.  I guess they had to go to the hospital while I was sleeping because Liam was ready to come out.  Papa took me to school, and while I was there, Baby Liam was born!  Nana picked me up and told me he was here, and we were going to the hospital to meet him.  I was so excited!  I got a special big sister sticker when we checked in, and then we went in to Mommy and Liam's room to meet him.  I got to hold him all by myself, and he was heavier than I thought!  He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz (which is half a pound more than me when I was born!), and was 20 inches long.
Checking Baby Liam out with Daddy for the first time
Holding him all by myself

He was heavy, so I decided I'd rather have some help from Nana.
Mommy holding Liam right after he came out.
Guess what?  He pooped on her!
First picture of Mommy & Daddy with Liam
Daddy's turn to hold him
First picture of the whole family
All of the rest of Mommy's family came to the hospital to meet him, too.  Mommy & Liam had to stay there for a couple of days, and Daddy stayed with them, so I stayed at Nana & Papa's house.  I got to go back to visit every day, though, and now we're all back at home together!  
Aunt Hilary with Baby James and Liam.
Everybody says these 2 are going to be trouble!
Nana meets Liam 
Nana takes her turn holding both her grandsons
Aunt Merf's turn to hold him 
Uncle Chris still needs some practice, but he's getting better!
I just love his little face!
I especially love when he smiles in his sleep
I love being a big sister!
Now that we're all home, I've gotten more practice holding him and playing with him, and I can hold him all by myself now with Mommy & Daddy close by.  I love to read him books and give him his binky.  I can't wait until he and my cousin James get bigger, and I can teach them all kinds of fun stuff!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

My Big Girl Room

A couple months ago, I moved into a new room at my house!  My baby brother is coming really soon and will need a crib to sleep in, so it was time for me to start sleeping in a big girl bed.  So, Daddy made one for me, and I LOVE it!!!  I call it my princess bed because it has 4 big posts that make it really tall and pretty, just like a princess bed.
Showing off my new beautiful princess bed
Daddy and Papa painted my room yellow, and it is decorated with owls, just like my baby room!  I like to keep lots and lots of my "friends" on my bed, too.  That's what I like to call my stuffed animals.  I've been sleeping in my big girl bed for about 3 months now, and I'm doing great!  I stay in my bed all night.  I used to wake up and cry if I couldn't find my lovey in my bed (he's my favorite snuggly friend for sleeping), but I'm getting better and don't do that very much anymore.  I have new special curtains that make my room really dark when it's bright outside, so I'm a little bit better at nap time now, too.  I take a nap about half the time when I'm at home, but even if I don't nap, I will stay in my bed in my room and play by myself for an hour or 2.  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of how well I've done!
My new BIG dresser (it's almost full already!) 
My princess bed again after we put all the decorations up
My new curtains and valance Mommy made
I love this tree and owl sticker above my dresser!
My great grandpa made this bookshelf for Mommy when she was little.
Mommy and Daddy did some redecorating in the baby room for Baby Liam, too.  Here's a sneak peak:
My old crib is Baby Liam's crib now!
Mommy made a valance and got darkening curtains for his room, too.
GiGi got this awesome whale hat rack for his room.
The decorations are all whales and nautical (that means stuff from the sea).
Baby Liam will be here any day now to check out his new room!  I can't wait to meet him!