Friday, January 22, 2016

Liam Nine Month Update

Hey everybody!  On Wednesday, I turned 9 months old!  The last month has been really crazy with my first Christmas, winter weather, a cold and a stomach bug, and lots and lots of traveling.

Nine months old 01/20/16
Weight: 21 lbs 2 oz (75th percentile)
Height: 28 1/4 in (50th percentile)
Clothes size: 12 mos bottoms and 12/18 mos tops
Diaper size: 5

"So big!"

What's New:
-I still haven't quite figured out how to crawl, but I can get on all 4's from sitting, and I can scoot myself all around the room on my tummy going backwards and in circles.
-I'm also trying to pull myself up already and can get to my knees.
-I said my first word this month, "Mama," and my second word, "A-da," which means Dada.  (Mommy wanted me to make it clear here that I said Mama first.)
-I can sign "more" and sometimes "all done."
-Mommy says I'm getting more opinionated, which means I yell at her and Daddy when I'm not getting what I want.

-Eating!  Some of my favs are bananas, Cheerios, macaroni, peaches, sweet potatoes, and pancakes.
-Getting into everything!  If I can reach it or scoot to it on my tummy or my booty, it's mine!  Mommy is worried about when I start crawling and cruising...
-Standing (with help) and bouncing/jumping
-Playing "peek-a-boo"

Video of the Month:
Here you can check out my peek-a-boo skills in action!