Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Liam Eleven Month Update

Hey everyone!  On Saturday I turned 11 months old, which means it's only 1 more month until my first birthday!  Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it!  This month I went on my first trip to the zoo, had my first sleepover at Nana and Papa's house without Mommy and Daddy, celebrated the first anniversary of Mommy's 30th birthday, and got to see the inside of Children's Mercy Park where the Sporting KC soccer team plays.  Between all that and getting ready for our move in 2 weeks, it's been a really busy month!  Plus, I'm even more busy and getting into everything more than ever!
11 months old 03/20/16
Clothes size: 18 mos
Diaper size: 5
Shoe size: 4
Teeth: 5 (almost 7!)
Nicknames: Bubba and Turkey (when I'm being super silly)

What's New:
-I can pull to stand and cruise a little bit, but I sometimes fall down because I forget to move my feet.
-I can walk holding 2 hands or pushing my walker toy, and I LOVE it.  The only problem is I don't know how to turn it, so I go straight until I run into something, and then yell until Mommy or Daddy come to turn it for me.
-I can sign "dog" and "ball" and have tried to say the words a couple of times, too.  I also started saying "go" while pushing my walker a couple of days ago.
-My 2 front teeth on the top came in, and the 2 beside them are coming in right now, too.

-Playing ball by throwing it, bouncing it, and rolling it back and forth 
-Moving constantly, even when someone is holding me
-Yelling and babbling
-Rubbing my food in my hair
-Still love playing with water (Maybe this is why I like rubbing my food in my hair?  More baths?)
-Mommy (yep, I'm a total Mama's boy right now, but Daddy is OK too...)

Videos of the Month:
There were lots of good videos to choose from this month, so I picked 2!  First here I am playing ball with sis outside:

And here I am pushing my push walker for the first time last week:

Friday, March 11, 2016

Star Wars Day at the Zoo

I'm a little bit late posting this, but a few weeks ago Liam, James, and I got to go to the zoo for Star Wars Day.  It was a really really nice day outside even though it was February, so there were lots of people there, but we still had a blast!  We saw lots of animals and Star Wars characters.
Jedis in training with our light sabers
First we headed straight to the plaza for the penguin march.  That's a special thing they were doing where they brought the penguins outside to walk on the penguin plaza where everyone could see them.  They were really fast, so they brought them around for 2 laps.  After the first lap, everyone in the front left because they thought it was over, so we got right up front for the second lap and got to see them really close up!  They were so cute waddling around!
They were so close I could almost touch them! 
Saying hi to one of the penguins back in his cage after the march.
After the penguin march, we headed back to the elephants, which is Aunt Hilary and James's favorite animal.  They were hanging out right by the fence, so we got a really close up view of them, too.  They were so big!
Hello Mr. Elephant
Family pic by the elephants
Uncle Jake, Aunt Hilary, and James took a turn for a family pic, too.
On our way back from the elephants, we saw a really really really long line of people, so we went over to see what they were all waiting for.  It was a whole bunch of Star Wars characters!  The line was for people waiting to get their picture taken with them.  It was too long for us, so we just watched them for a while instead.  I saw Darth Vader, Princess Leia, storm troopers, Kylo Ren, and even Hera who is the pilot from the Star Wars show I've been watching with Daddy called Star Wars Rebels!

After visiting the Star Wars characters, we went to see the polar bear.  Her name is Berlin.  She was playing with a ball in the water and being so silly!  Liam and James and I got to go right up to the glass and watch her play for a long time.  She had a big ball, and she kept trying to push it down under the water, but it popped back up again every time!  It made me laugh!  It was my favorite part of the whole day.
Watching Berlin together

Liam wanted to go swimming with her.
Taking turns pretending to be a polar bear: my turn first
James's turn
Liam's turn last
After the polar bear, we took a break for lunch.  After lunch we played with our light sabers and then went to see more animals before heading home.  We saw chimpanzees, a tiger, a peacock, a toucan, and a mommy and baby monkey.  It was such an awesome day!  We were all sooo tired after.  Liam even fell asleep in the stroller while we were walking back to the car and stayed fast asleep when Mommy picked him up and moved him to the car!

Liam and Daddy playing light sabers at lunch
Hanging out in a tree with a chimpanzee
Right after this picture, I fell down and bumped my head on my light saber
because the slide was so fast, but it was a really fun really until then!
I hope we get to go back to the zoo for Star Wars Day next year!