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11 months old 03/20/16 |
Clothes size: 18 mos
Diaper size: 5
Shoe size: 4
Teeth: 5 (almost 7!)
Nicknames: Bubba and Turkey (when I'm being super silly)
What's New:
-I can pull to stand and cruise a little bit, but I sometimes fall down because I forget to move my feet.
-I can walk holding 2 hands or pushing my walker toy, and I LOVE it. The only problem is I don't know how to turn it, so I go straight until I run into something, and then yell until Mommy or Daddy come to turn it for me.
-I can sign "dog" and "ball" and have tried to say the words a couple of times, too. I also started saying "go" while pushing my walker a couple of days ago.
-My 2 front teeth on the top came in, and the 2 beside them are coming in right now, too.
-Playing ball by throwing it, bouncing it, and rolling it back and forth
-Moving constantly, even when someone is holding me
-Yelling and babbling
-Rubbing my food in my hair
-Still love playing with water (Maybe this is why I like rubbing my food in my hair? More baths?)
-Mommy (yep, I'm a total Mama's boy right now, but Daddy is OK too...)Videos of the Month:
There were lots of good videos to choose from this month, so I picked 2! First here I am playing ball with sis outside:
And here I am pushing my push walker for the first time last week: