Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't written in a while. It's been a very busy, fun summer for me and my family. It started at the beginning of June with my very first week ever of Vacation Bible School at my church, Grace Covenant. I had so much fun! I was nervous on the first morning because there were lots of kids and it was really noisy and crazy, but by the second day I was over it. The theme was the Surf Shack, so the church was all decorated like the beach!
Practicing my surf moves
My class was called the guppies. We were the youngest class, and guppies are really small fish just like we were the smallest kids. Every morning we went to the sanctuary first with all of the other classes with music and a show with Skippy the skipper and Snappy the crab. Then we left and went as a class from room to room around the church for different activities. There was recreation, music, crafts, science, story time, and of course, snack time. My favorite was music. I loved learning all the dance moves! Each day we learned something new about the amazing things God does for us. Then at the end, it was back to the sanctuary for more music and a show all together talking about what we learned that day.
Some of my class, the Guppies
Practicing dance moves in music
More music time
My favorite snack day: ocean crackers c icing and goldfish
Beach jello was pretty good, too.
Sitting with my class praying before snack time
I learned so much about God and how he creates, helps, and loves! I can't wait to go back to VBS next year!
Hey everyone! Last week I turned 15 months old! I've been super busy this summer learning how to walk and talk more, traveling with my family, swimming, and getting into lots of trouble!
15 months old 7/20/16
Weight: 27 lbs 3 oz (88th percentile)
Height: 31 in (45th percentile)
Clothes size: 24 mos/2T
Diaper size: 5
Teeth: 10 (2 top molars this month!)
Yummy strawberries
Enjoying summer
I love sitting in my doggy's bed!
Let's go Royals!
I still love the water!
What's New:
-I can walk! I still like to hold Mommy or Daddy's hand, but I can do it all by myself when I want to. I took my first steps last month at 14 months old.
-I can say and sign lots of new words, like "please," "car," "cracker," "cat," and "beep." I can also say lots of new names, including "Nana," "Papa," "Daideo," and "Gigi." It makes my grandparents happy!
-I know some animal sounds, like "moo" and "neigh."
-I love to tell everyone "hi" and give high fives, even strangers.
-I'm learning how to use a spoon and fork.
Eating applesauce with a spoon like a big boy
First trip to the ocean - June 2016
Driving the ship on the beach house porch
Driving a real boat with Daddy at the lake
4th of July at Tablerock Lake
My cousin James and I both LOVE corn on the cob!
Sometimes I can't make it through lunch these days...
-Swimming and splashing in the pool or bathtub
-Playing ring around the rosie and row, row, row your boat
-Pushing my shopping cart and crashing it into the furniture (or people!)
-Dancing and making music by banging on the piano and drumming on pots and pans
-Playing on the bed and the couch
-Favorite foods: bananas, blueberries, grapes, peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, yogurt, and applesauce
-Favorite books: Little Blue Truck and Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes Video:
Check out this video of me practicing some of my first steps last month: