Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Aidan Two Month Update

My baby brother Aidan is 2 months old already!  He's definitely growing, and he's also smiling and cooing and getting more fun everyday!  He's still our super chill, go-with-the-flow little man, and he loves to come with us everywhere we go.

2 months old 4/2/17
Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz (69%)
Height: 21 in (<3%)
Head circumference: 39.5 cm (41%)
Diaper size: 1
Clothes size: 0-3 mos

Sleeping 5-6 hours at night
Nursing every 2.5-3 hours
Lifts head to look around on tummy

Black and white toys
Listening to books or songs
Mommy's milk
Snuggling and being held (especially by me)
Baths (He used to hate them, but now he loves them!)
Being swaddled to sleep

Car seat

Favorite Pics

Hanging out on the piano play gym

Snuggle time with Mommy on her birthday

Practicing his smiles
Tummy time is a family activity!

More smiling

Mommy is his favorite snuggle partner...

... But I'm a close second!

He loves his big bro Liam, too.
Video of the Month
Here is Aidan trying to figure out how to talk.  He's gotten better at it since then and can actually make some cooing noises now.  It's so cute to watch him try!