Saturday, May 13, 2017

Preschool Graduation

This week I graduated from preschool!  We had a ceremony, and I got a fancy scroll of paper called a diploma and everything!

All of the kids at my preschool who are going to kindergarten in the fall were there.  We had a processional (where you walk in together in a line while music plays), and then we got to sit up in front of all of our teachers and families.

We sang some songs, and then our teachers said something special about each one of us.  It was really cool to hear my teacher Miss Jana talk about me and how she thinks I will be successful in kindergarten!

Then they called each of our names and we walked up to get our diplomas.

Then we had a recessional (just like a processional, only this time we were walking out!)  Afterwards there was a party with cake and punch.  It was such a special morning!  I'm so excited for kindergarten, but I will miss my preschool!
In line during the recessional
Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me!

Nana came, too!

Aidan 3 Month Update

Aidan is 3 months old already!  He's a super smiley, happy little man.  It's been kind of a crazy month with Mommy going back to work and Mommy and Daddy both going out of town on trips, but this little guy just rolls with it!

3 months old 5/2/17
Weight: 14 lbs 2 oz
Diaper size: 2
Clothes size: 3-6 mos

What's New
Rolling from tummy to back
Bringing his hands to his mouth
Wakes up once at night
First ear infection :(
First plane ride

Cooing and smiling
Watching me and Liam
Tummy time with his new black and white stand up board book
Chewing on his hands

He loves this book!
So smiley! <3

Couch snuggles
I love to hold him, and he really likes it, too!

Liam likes to be silly with him.

Hanging out with Aunt Hilary when we went strawberry picking.

This boy loves his tummy time!
Check out this video of him talking.  It's so cute!