Sunday, December 23, 2012

Four Month Update

Four months old on 12/22/12
Yesterday I turned 4 months old!  It was also Killion family Christmas day (that's my Nana's family), so I got to go to a big party and celebrate with a whole bunch of family.  Some of them were even more family that I hadn't met before.  It was super fun!  Can't wait until I'm big enough to run around and get into trouble like my cousins Knox and Riplee, who I got to meet there!

Four Month Stats
Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz (88th percentile)
Length: 25 3/4 in (96th percentile)
Head size: 17 in
Clothes size: 3-6 months
Diaper size: 2
Eye color: gray/blue with yellow centers

Four Month Habits
Eating: 5-6 oz bottle of breastmilk every 3-4 hours during the day, plus 1 tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with 1 oz milk in the morning and evening (I just started that this week!)

Night-time - I was sleeping 8pm-5am through the night about a month ago, but I decided I missed Mommy and Daddy too much, so now I go to bed around 7-7:30 and wake up once or twice a night before getting up for the day around 7am. 
Naps - I usually take 3 naps a day, around 9am, 12-1pm, and 3-4pm.  Sometimes they are 45 min and sometimes 2 hours, depending on the day.  I'm getting better at taking a longer nap in the morning.

Play/skills:  I'm trying really hard to learn how to roll from my back to my tummy, but I haven't quite gotten it yet.  I also like to sit up in my Bumbo seat for a little while, but I like it better when Mommy and Daddy help me sit up by myself.  I can grab at toys by myself and hold them if you help put them in my hands, and yesterday I even picked up a rattle all by myself for the first time!  I love to have books read to me now, especially books that rhyme and have bright colors.  My favorites are Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Baby Colors, and I've also been reading The Night Before Christmas a lot lately! 

Video of the Month
Check out this video of me eating my first bowl of cereal the other day!  I wasn't a big fan at first, but I'm getting used to it now!

Other Favorite Pics
Rock chalk!
Hangin' out in my Bumbo
Maybe this cereal stuff isn't so bad!

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