Monday, January 28, 2013

Five Month Update

Five months old on 1/22/13
It's a new year, and last week I turned 5 months old!  Almost half a year already, and Mommy says it's flown by!  It was a Tuesday, so I spent most of the day at day care, then hung out with Mommy and Daddy at home.

Four Month Stats
Weight: 16lbs 4 oz
Clothes size: 3-6 months
Diaper size: 2

Five Month Habits
Eating:  4 or 5, 5-6oz bottles of breastmilk (or breastfeeding when Mommy's home!) per day, about every 3-4 hours.  I just started eating some veggies this week since I turned 5 months, too, and so far I like them all!  I eat oatmeal cereal around 8am and veggies and/or rice cereal around 5:30.

Sleeping:  For the last 3 nights, I've been sleeping through the night from 6:30 or 7pm until about 6:30am!!!  Mommy and Daddy are really hoping it sticks!
Naps - I usually take a pretty good nap in the morning for 1-2 hours around 9am.  Then in the afternoon I take another nap around 12:30 or 1.  Some days it's another 1-2 hours, and other days it's only 30-40 min.  On those days, I take a late afternoon nap around 3:30 or 4, too.  At least, that's how I usually nap at home.  At day care, who knows!  I like to do something different every day!

Play/skills:  I've gotten really good at reaching out and grabbing things, and I like to put everything in my mouth.  Lately I've been practicing reaching out and picking up toys when I'm on my tummy, too, but it's hard work!  I still haven't quite figured out how to roll over yet.  Mommy says that I used to know how to roll from my tummy to my back, but I guess I forgot!  I'm still trying to roll from my back to my tummy, but I get about 2/3rds of the way there, and then I flop back over.  It makes me spin around in circles on my back on the floor, which is kind of fun!  I can sit up with a little bit of help.  I LOVE to talk.  I will squeal and coo and make all kinds of sounds!  I still love reading books, and my favorite right now is Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes.  My favorite toy is my piano play gym that Nana and Papa got me for Christmas!

Video of the Month
Check out this video of me in my swing for the first time yesterday!

Other Favorite Pics
Snoozing in the sun in my car seat
Sitting up with the Boppy all by myself!
Cheering on the hawks! 
Playing in the exer saucer
Super excited at day care drop-off
Ready for some chow!

Monday, January 14, 2013

First Week of Day Care

Last week I went to this new place called day care for the first time.  That's a place where kids go during the day to play while their parents are at work.  Daddy started his new job last week, so off to day care I went!  It was fun!  My teachers are really nice, and one of them even sends pictures to Mommy during the day so she knows how I'm doing.  Mommy loves that!

All smiles on my first day
There are lots of other babies there, and some of them can do cool stuff like sit up by themselves and crawl around.  It looks like fun, and I can't wait until I figure out how to do it!  Besides just playing, I also eat and take my naps there just like at home.  I even have my very own day care crib.  It's a little noisier than at home, but I'm getting used to it.  
Sleeping in my crib at day care
Taking a buggy ride in the hallway with some of the other babies in my class
I'm so busy all day that I get super tired by the time I get home, and I've been going to bed at 6:30!  I miss Mommy and Daddy while I'm there, but I'm getting used to it, and so are they.  We definitely enjoyed our time all together at home over the weekend!  Plus Mommy doesn't have to go to work on Mondays, so we get to spend an extra day at home every weekend.  Tomorrow is the start of another week!
Family time Friday night after a long week of work and day care.  :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Baptism Sunday

Wearing my great-great grandmother's Christening gown
Last Sunday, December 30th, I was baptized at Mommy & Daddy's church, Village Presbyterian.  Baptism is a special thing they do at church where they sprinkle you with water to show that you belong to God, and all the church members agree to help bring you up and teach you about God and Jesus.  Mommy and Daddy's friend Jarrett is one of the pastors at Village, so he was the one who got to sprinkle me. :)  I wore a very special dress that was made for my great great grandmother for her baptism in 1891!  It's over 120 years old!
Up in front of the whole church with Mommy and Daddy during the service
Getting sprinkled with the water
Lots of people came to see my baptism.  There was Nana and Papa T, Aunt Hilary and Uncle Jake, Aunt Meredith and Uncle Chris, my great grandpa and grandma Killion, and almost the whole Lorimer family.  Shane Lorimer is a good friend of Mommy and Daddy's, and they chose him to be my Godfather.  He'll be my special mentor growing up, along with Laura Franz, my Godmother.  She was the only person missing, but her mommy and daddy were there.
With Mommy and Daddy and my Godfather, Shane, afterwards
Talking to my Godfather
Family shot
 After the service, everyone who came for the baptism, plus some other friends from Village, came over and we had a special brunch to celebrate.  I slept through the whole thing, though.  Being the center of attention is so exhausting!