Monday, January 7, 2013

Baptism Sunday

Wearing my great-great grandmother's Christening gown
Last Sunday, December 30th, I was baptized at Mommy & Daddy's church, Village Presbyterian.  Baptism is a special thing they do at church where they sprinkle you with water to show that you belong to God, and all the church members agree to help bring you up and teach you about God and Jesus.  Mommy and Daddy's friend Jarrett is one of the pastors at Village, so he was the one who got to sprinkle me. :)  I wore a very special dress that was made for my great great grandmother for her baptism in 1891!  It's over 120 years old!
Up in front of the whole church with Mommy and Daddy during the service
Getting sprinkled with the water
Lots of people came to see my baptism.  There was Nana and Papa T, Aunt Hilary and Uncle Jake, Aunt Meredith and Uncle Chris, my great grandpa and grandma Killion, and almost the whole Lorimer family.  Shane Lorimer is a good friend of Mommy and Daddy's, and they chose him to be my Godfather.  He'll be my special mentor growing up, along with Laura Franz, my Godmother.  She was the only person missing, but her mommy and daddy were there.
With Mommy and Daddy and my Godfather, Shane, afterwards
Talking to my Godfather
Family shot
 After the service, everyone who came for the baptism, plus some other friends from Village, came over and we had a special brunch to celebrate.  I slept through the whole thing, though.  Being the center of attention is so exhausting!

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