Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Six Month Update

Six months old on 2/22/13
Last Friday I turned 6 months old!  Half a year already, and Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it!  I got to stay home from day care for the day because there was a crazy snow storm Thursday and Friday, and then it turns out I got to stay home with Mommy and Daddy again today because there's another snow storm!  I've been looking out the window and watching my neighbors play in it, and it looks like fun!  Maybe next year I'll get to go out and play in it, too.

Six Month Stats
Weight: 18 lbs 2 oz (88th percentile)
Height: 26.75 in (85th percentile)
Head circumference: 17.75 in
Clothes size: 6-9 mos
Diaper size: 3 fits better, but Mommy and Daddy are using up my last box of 2's!


Six Month Habits
Eating: Nursing once at 7am, then 6-8 oz bottles of pumped breastmilk every 4 hours at around 11am, 3pm, and 6:30pm before bed.  Breakfast of fruit and/or oatmeal cereal around 8am, lunch of veggies or fruit around noon, and dinner around 5:30 or 6pm.  I just started eating some meat the last couple of days, and it's definitely not my favorite yet.  I love most fruits I've tried, but I think my favorite is pear and apple sauce.  Mommy puts a little cinnamon in it, and it's delicious!

Sleeping: Sleeping through the night pretty much every night now from 6:30-7pm until 6:30-7am.
Napping - 1-2 hour nap around 9am, and then either another 2 hour nap at 1 or a shorter nap at 1 and then a third nap around 4-4:30pm.  I won't take a third nap at day care though, so if I take a short afternoon nap there, then I usually fall asleep in the car on the way home for 20 minutes or so.  One day a couple of weeks ago, I didn't take an afternoon nap at day care at all, so when Mommy picked me up at 5:30pm I had been awake since 10:45am!  I fell asleep in the car and Mommy moved me to my crib when we go home, and I slept all the way until the next morning!

Play/skills: I love to suck my thumb and chew on my lovey blankets, which are little blankets with an animal on them.  I have a monkey and a frog.  I also love to grab and chew on pretty much anything.  If I can reach it, it's mine!  That includes Daddy's nose and Mommy's hair and jewelry!  I can sit up almost by myself, but somebody has to stay pretty close by in case I start to tip over.  I also started rolling from my tummy to my back again, but sometimes I don't feel like doing it and I'll just cry until someone comes to help me.  :)  After practicing with Mommy for a while, I rolled from my back to my tummy once for the first time today!  It was super hard work, so we'll see if I try it again soon or not!  I still love to talk and have started making new sounds.  My favorite right now is "b."  I still love books, too, and my favorites right now are Global Babies, Baby Colors, and Baby Giggles cause they have pictures of other babies that are so funny to look at!  Last week Mommy and Daddy got me my first movie, too.  It's called Baby Signing Time, and it's soooo much fun!  It teaches babies about how to use sign language to say things like more, Mommy, Daddy, and milk.  There are little kids on it who are so silly, and I love it!  I've watched every day since we got it (thanks to being stuck in the house with all the snow!).

Video of the Month
Check out this video of me talking to my friend, Caleb!  Sorry it's kind of blurry...

Other Favorite Pics
Taking a break during tummy time
Beak em' hawks!
Holding my sippy cup all by myself!
Practicing sitting up
Hangin out on the couch 
Working on my blog with Mommy!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Baby Lab

Super excited for my first day ever at school, Rockhurst University!
So Mommy is a pediatric physical therapist, which basically means she gets paid to play with kids all day (I don't understand why I can't just come play, too!).  One of the girls that used to work at Children's Mercy, too, now teaches PT students about pediatrics at Rockhurst, and today they had baby lab!  My boyfriend (or as Daddy likes to call him: my friend who's a boy... ;)) Caleb and I got to go and be practice babies for the students to play with and learn from.  It was super fun!
Tummy time on the ball - I do this at home with Mommy, so I knew just what to do!
Showing off my sitting skills
Trying to figure out how to get that toy
The students in my group were all very nice, and I had lots of fun playing with them (One of them was a K-State fan, so she didn't love my outfit, but I had to sport my Rock Chalk gear for KU v KSU game day!).  They said that I looked like a pretty normal 5-month-old baby, so I guess that's pretty good!

Tuckered out and ready to go home for a nap
Ready for more play time with Caleb after our afternoon nap!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Big Kid Food

Excited for dinner time! 
Now that I'm 5 months old, I get to start eating some solid food!  Well, solid food all mixed up in a blender until it's super smooth anyway.  But I got my first tooth just the other day, so soon I'll be ready to chew on the real stuff!  So far I've tried carrots, peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, zucchini, and bananas.  I like them all, but I think sweet potatoes and bananas are probably my favorites!  As always, here are some silly pictures Mommy and Daddy took:
I cleaned my bowl like a good girl!
Butternut squash is delicious!
I wanna do it all by myself!