Monday, February 11, 2013

Baby Lab

Super excited for my first day ever at school, Rockhurst University!
So Mommy is a pediatric physical therapist, which basically means she gets paid to play with kids all day (I don't understand why I can't just come play, too!).  One of the girls that used to work at Children's Mercy, too, now teaches PT students about pediatrics at Rockhurst, and today they had baby lab!  My boyfriend (or as Daddy likes to call him: my friend who's a boy... ;)) Caleb and I got to go and be practice babies for the students to play with and learn from.  It was super fun!
Tummy time on the ball - I do this at home with Mommy, so I knew just what to do!
Showing off my sitting skills
Trying to figure out how to get that toy
The students in my group were all very nice, and I had lots of fun playing with them (One of them was a K-State fan, so she didn't love my outfit, but I had to sport my Rock Chalk gear for KU v KSU game day!).  They said that I looked like a pretty normal 5-month-old baby, so I guess that's pretty good!

Tuckered out and ready to go home for a nap
Ready for more play time with Caleb after our afternoon nap!

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