The time keeps on flying by! Last Friday I turned 7 months old! I got to spend the evening with Aunt Hilary while Mommy and Daddy went out with some of their friends for something called March Madness... I think it has something to do with basketball and a big red and blue bird. :) Guess I'll learn more about it when I'm older!
Seven Month Stats
Weight: 19 lbs 12 oz (almost 20 lbs already!)
Hair color: Medium brown (less dark)
Eye color: ? Greenish-greyish-brownish... I guess they haven't decided yet!
Clothes size: 6-9/6-12 mos
Diaper size: 3
Eating: I LOVE eating solid food! I now usually have 4 feedings/bottles of breastmilk per day about every 4 hours of 6-8oz each, and then I also eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For breakfast I have pureed fruit and oatmeal cereal, for lunch pureed veggies and sometimes cereal, and for dinner pureed meat/veggies and pureed prunes (They help me poop! I know, TMI!). I've also started eating a few Cheerios and Puffs using my hands, but it's hard work picking them up and getting them in my mouth! I prefer it when Mommy or Daddy just put the spoon in my mouth. :) My favorite foods are sweet potatoes with pork and apples, prunes, and pear/apple sauce with cinnamon.
Sleeping: I go to bed at about 7-7:15 and usually still sleep through the night until about 6am, unless I'm sick like I have been the last few days. :( I take 2 naps a day, one in the morning around 9am and another in the early afternoon around 1pm. I still usually nap longer at home (1-2 hours each) than at day care (45 min - 1 hour each most days).
Play/skills: I've gotten super attached to my "lovey" blankets. My monkey lovey is my favorite. I still love to put absolutely everything in my mouth. I've gotten really good at rolling over and pivoting around on my tummy. I can sit up pretty well by myself now when I want to, but sometimes I don't feel like it and I just lean over. Mommy lets me practice sitting up with my back to the couch and pillows beside me so that way if I decide to fall over, I land on soft pillows. It's pretty fun, actually! I like to sit there while I watch my Baby Signing Time video or play with my music table that Aunt Hilary gave me. I still like to talk a lot, and I still love reading books with Mommy and Daddy. I like to try to grab the pages of the books by myself now. Maybe I'll be reading someday soon. :)
Video of the Month
Check out this video of me eating my first Cheerios! I'm still not sure what to think about them...
Other Favorite Pics
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