Monday, April 22, 2013

Eight Month Update

Eight months old 4/22/13
Today I turned 8 months old!  It was a Monday, so I got to spend the day at home with Mommy.  We went to baby story time this morning and hung out at home and played the rest of the day.  It was pretty chill!  It's been an exciting month!  I've started eating some table foods, got another tooth, and started sitting up and playing by myself a lot!

Eight Month Stats
Weight: 20 lbs 8 oz
Eye color: hazel (sort of)
Clothes size: 6-9/6-12 mod
Diaper size: 3
Teeth: 3 (going on 4!)

Eight Month Habits
Eating:  I've started eating more table foods just for the last few days.  It's sort of hard work, but it's yummy!  My favorite new thing that I've tried is banana walnut pancakes.  Yum!  I eat on pretty much the same schedule, breastfeeding with Mommy in the morning and then taking a 6-8oz bottle about every 4 hours after that.  I eat solid foods with some table food and some purees at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Dinner is not usually my favorite, though, because I'm pretty tired by dinner time, so I sometimes get cranky.
Favorite foods: applesauce, puffs

Sleeping: I sleep at night from about 7pm-6:30am and take 2 naps a day at around 9 and 1.  I usually take a shorter nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon, but it depends on the day.

Play/skills: I'm really good at sitting up now.  I can reach and pick up toys and sit back up without falling.  I like to rock forward and back, so every once in a while a rock too far back and tip over, so Mommy and Daddy still put a pillow behind me just in case.  I get frustrated when I'm playing on the floor because I haven't figured out how to move yet.  I've started to really love music.  When I get upset, sometimes Mommy and Daddy start singing silly songs, and it helps me calm down.
Favorite toys: lovey blankets, star stacker ring toy, piano play gym, touch and feel books, and anything I can chew on

Video of the Month
Check out this video of me sitting up and playing with one of my new favorite toys!

Other Favorite Pics
Floor time fun at Matey's house in Savannah
Spending Mommy's money :) 
Soaking up the sun
Daddy's little Braves fan

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