All dressed up for party time
in my tutu (of course!)
Last week I turned one year old! To celebrate, Mommy and Daddy threw me a birthday party last Saturday. The theme was owls, just like my room, and everything was pink and green.
My smash cake table
My high chair decorated for the big day!
Chocolate owl cake that Mommy made
Owl cupcakes Mommy ordered
from her friend at work
Owl cheese log and crackers
These owls appeared while I was sleeping Friday night. I wasn't sure what to think of them when I first saw them in the morning!
The food table. There was also caramel and apples and spinach dip with bread. I didn't get to try much of it because I was busy being the birthday girl, but it looked yummy!
Mommy made a banner out of my monthly photo shoot pictures. I loved it so much that it's still hanging up for me to look at!
The party started at 3 o'clock after my nap. Nana and Papa and Aunt Merf got there a little bit early, and Nana and Papa gave me my present, which was a car called a Cozy Coupe. I absolutely love it! I got in it right away and Papa started pushing me around the house. I was driving around in it for the first 30 minutes of the party because I didn't want to get out!
Driving my Cozy Coupe
Hanging with Nana
Family pic
For a while Mommy and Daddy were talking to all our friends who came over and I got to play with some of my friends, and then it was time to open presents. I LOVED opening presents. My favorite part was pulling the tissue paper out of the bags.
Mommy and Daddy's friends Matt and Sarah
with their brand new baby, Ahndrew.
Daddy and baby Ahndrew.
I wasn't sure what to think about seeing Mommy and
Daddy both taking turns holding this little guy...
Playing with my friend Caleb
Caleb and his mommy, Andrea.
She works with Mommy at Children's Mercy.
Some of Mommy's friends have bigger kids,
and they're so much fun to watch play!
I can't wait until I can keep up with them!
Opening presents with Mommy
Then after presents, it was time for cake. I sat in my high chair and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" while Mommy held my cake with a candle on it. At the end of the song, Mommy helped me blow the candle out. Maybe next year I'll be able to do it by myself once I've gotten the hang of this birthday party thing! I got a whole cake to myself again just like at my photo shoot, but I didn't make too much of a mess this time.
Mesmerized by the birthday candle. So cool!
Yummy yummy!
It was a super fun birthday party! Thanks to all my friends and family who came to celebrate with me!
Last Thursday I turned 12 months old. That's 1 whole year! Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast my first year has gone by! I celebrated at day care by bringing in funfetti pancakes that Mommy made for me and my friends. Then when I came home, we had macaroni and cheese for dinner (my favorite!), along with carrots and blueberries, which I also love! And, I got to open presents from Mommy and Daddy. I got a piggy bank toy and a stuffed dog named Violet who knows my name! She also knows my favorite color and favorite food, and she sings to me and talks to me!
Twelve Month Stats
Weight: 24 lbs 10 oz (93rd percentile)
Height: 30.75 in (93rd percentile)
Head circumference: 19.5 in
Clothes size: 12-18 mos
Diaper size: 3
Twelve Month Habits
Eating: I'm still a great eater! I drink a mixture of half breastmilk, half whole milk from a sippy cup during the day and still take 1 bottle at bed time. I'll eat almost anything, and I even got to try peanut butter for the first time this month! It was yummy!
Favorite foods: macaroni and cheese, blueberries, bananas, Cheerios, sandwiches
Sleeping: I sleep at night from about 7pm until about 6:45 or 7am lately, a full 12 hours! I've pretty much given up my morning nap. At first I wouldn't take one at day care but would still take one at home, but know I don't do that either. Instead I take one nap in the afternoon at around 12:30 or 1 for about 1-1.5 hours at day care and more like 2-2.5 hours at home.
Twelve Month Skills
Mobility/play: I'm very fast at crawling now and I can pull to stand and cruise around holding onto the furniture a little bit, but my new favorite thing to do is walk around pushing my walker! It's so much fun! I need a little bit of help to steer it, but otherwise I can do it all by myself! I can push shaped blocks through their slots on a shape sorter with a little bit of help. I also LOVE to look at pictures and point to all the faces while Mommy and Daddy name them. Sometimes I will point to myself and say my name. I can clap and say "yay!" and started blowing kisses the other day.
Favorite toys: shape sorters, walker, "Cubby" (Chicago Cubs teddy bear Daddy bought for me at Wrigley Field this summer)
New words: Mama, cat, Cate, Nana, go, yay (while clapping)
First sentence: "Dog, go!"
Video of the Month
Here's a video of me practicing walking with my walker!
Other Favorite Pics
Rocking out with my walker and Mommy
Having a BLAST at the beach
Dinner out at Blanc Burger with Mommy and Daddy...yum yum!
A couple of weeks ago, GiGi and Sean came to Kansas City for a week to visit! They drove all the way up from Savannah, and we had so much fun hanging out all week! They got here on Monday afternoon while I was napping, so I was very surprised to see them when I woke up!
Laughing with Uncle Sean during bath time Monday night. He's so silly!
I got to stay home from day care with GiGi all week, and Mommy came home from work early every day. On Tuesday we stayed home and played all day, and then Tuesday night we went to a park to have our pictures taken. I took some really good pictures with Sean and a couple with Mommy and Daddy, and after that I was supposed to have my picture taken smashing a birthday cake, but I was too tired and got really grumpy. We had to do try that again later!
Posing with Uncle Sean and Odie
Kiss from Uncle Sean!
Family photo shoot time
Laughing at GiGi while taking pictures!
All dressed up
GiGi got this really quick picture with her phone right before I started crying because I was too tired to eat cake!
Wednesday we went to the Sea Life Aquarium at Crown Center downtown. We saw fish, sharks, turtles, sting rays, jellyfish, and all kinds of other cool stuff! It was awesome! Then after the aquarium we had a little extra time, so we went to a toy store at Crown Center and just walked around and looked at all the toys. They had so many puppets! Then Mommy dropped GiGi off at the Plaza to have dinner with Daddy and took Sean and I home to eat dinner.
Looking at the fish from a bubble inside the tank with Mommy
Checking out the stingrays with Sean
Amazed by the big tank
In front of the big tank with Sean
Sean got to touch some star fish
On Thursday, Daddy worked from home in the afternoon and we went to the park. I played in the sand and sat in the swing, and then I rode on the rocking horse, which is my favorite thing to do at the park now! Sean had fun climbing and going down the slides. It looked like so much fun! Can't wait until I'm big enough to climb around on the playground with him!
Riding the rocking horse at the park
Then Thursday night we went over to our friends the Sweets' house to have dinner and visit while GiGi and Sean were in town. We ate lasagne (yummy!). GiGi wanted to celebrate my birthday while she was visiting, so I also had my first mini birthday party! I ate a cupcake and opened presents from GiGi, Daideo, and Sean. It was awesome!
My first birthday cupcake
Hearing "Happy Birthday" for the first time
Opening presents
I love my dance & wiggle puppy!
Playing with Sweet Daddy
On Friday Mommy and Daddy had somewhere to go after work, so I stayed with GiGi and Sean and then went to bed. When I woke up on Saturday morning, Daideo was here, too! He flew in on an airplane on Friday night and then drove home with GiGi and Sean so that GiGi wouldn't have to drive all the way by herself again. We went back to the Sweets' to have breakfast and then they had to get on the road. We forgot to take any pictures with Daideo before he left! I wish he could've stayed longer, but I'm glad I got to see him again for a little bit! I love my Daideo and GiGi and Uncle Sean! And my Aunt Brennan, too! Can't wait to see them all for the holidays!