Monday, August 26, 2013

Twelve Month Update

Twelve months old 8/22/13
Last Thursday I turned 12 months old.  That's 1 whole year!  Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast my first year has gone by!  I celebrated at day care by bringing in funfetti pancakes that Mommy made for me and my friends.  Then when I came home, we had macaroni and cheese for dinner (my favorite!), along with carrots and blueberries, which I also love!  And, I got to open presents from Mommy and Daddy.  I got a piggy bank toy and a stuffed dog named Violet who knows my name!  She also knows my favorite color and favorite food, and she sings to me and talks to me!

 Twelve Month Stats
Weight: 24 lbs 10 oz (93rd percentile)
Height: 30.75 in (93rd percentile)
Head circumference: 19.5 in
Clothes size: 12-18 mos
Diaper size: 3

Twelve Month Habits
Eating: I'm still a great eater!  I drink a mixture of half breastmilk, half whole milk from a sippy cup during the day and still take 1 bottle at bed time.  I'll eat almost anything, and I even got to try peanut butter for the first time this month!  It was yummy!
Favorite foods: macaroni and cheese, blueberries, bananas, Cheerios, sandwiches

Sleeping: I sleep at night from about 7pm until about 6:45 or 7am lately, a full 12 hours!  I've pretty much given up my morning nap.  At first I wouldn't take one at day care but would still take one at home, but know I don't do that either.  Instead I take one nap in the afternoon at around 12:30 or 1 for about 1-1.5 hours at day care and more like 2-2.5 hours at home.

Twelve Month Skills
Mobility/play: I'm very fast at crawling now and I can pull to stand and cruise around holding onto the furniture a little bit, but my new favorite thing to do is walk around pushing my walker!  It's so much fun!  I need a little bit of help to steer it, but otherwise I can do it all by myself!  I can push shaped blocks through their slots on a shape sorter with a little bit of help.  I also LOVE to look at pictures and point to all the faces while Mommy and Daddy name them.  Sometimes I will point to myself and say my name.  I can clap and say "yay!" and started blowing kisses the other day.
Favorite toys: shape sorters, walker, "Cubby" (Chicago Cubs teddy bear Daddy bought for me at Wrigley Field this summer)
New words: Mama, cat, Cate, Nana, go, yay (while clapping)
First sentence: "Dog, go!"

Video of the Month
Here's a video of me practicing walking with my walker!

Other Favorite Pics
Rocking out with my walker and Mommy
Having a BLAST at the beach
Dinner out at Blanc Burger with Mommy and Daddy...yum yum! 
Practicing clapping, yay! 
Dressed up on my birthday
Birthday funfetti pancakes!

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