Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!
I had so much fun celebrating Halloween with my family this year!  I got to wear my lady bug costume that Mommy made 3 times!  First, I had a party at school the Friday before Halloween.  Most of the Mommies and Daddies came to our classroom after nap and snack time and helped us get dressed in our costumes, then we had a parade outside in the parking lot with the whole school.  I walked most of the way holding Mommy and Daddy's hands.  Then, we went back inside and had treats and played with my class.
Ready for the parade!
I wasn't too sure what to think about everyone in their costumes at first...
Next up was Trunk or Treat at Nana & Papa's church, Grace Covenant, on Sunday.  First we went to church service with Nana & Papa and Aunt Hilary & Uncle Jake, and I got to wear my costume!  Then we went outside in the parking lot, and there were all these cool games set up and food to eat.  I even tried to play some of the games even though they were mostly for little kids!  After playing for a while, all the kids lined up beside all the car trunks that were decorated, and we walked from car to car to get treats for our basket.  I wasn't sure what to do at first, but after seeing the big kids doing it, I figured it out!  I made it halfway through the cars before I started to get too tired.  It was way past my nap time!
Showing off the pumpkin Mommy and Nana decorated for me 
Playing a game

Taking a rest break between games 
Trying some of my treats!
Finally, Halloween day came last Thursday, and I wore my costume one last time to go trick or treating after school!  They call it trick or treating because that's what you're supposed to say when you walk up to the people with the treats, but nobody ever does any tricks…  They just give you a treat to put in your bucket, which is fine with me because I LOVE putting things in containers right now!  Mommy and Daddy picked me up from school a little bit early, and we went to the Corinth square close to our house.  There were lots of other kids there dressed up, and all the shopkeepers were sitting outside handing out candy and other treats.  I walked all the way around the square with Mommy and Daddy and took treats from most of the shops and put them in my basket.  It was so fun!  Then after we were done, we drove out to Nana's house cause she was handing out treats by herself while Papa was out of town.  I had fun playing with pumpkins on her front porch!

Picking out a treat 
Carrying my bucket all by myself!  This was my favorite part!
Look what I found while we were walking!  I love pumpkins!
Trick or treat! 
Having so much fun!
  Video of me trick-or-treating in action

I hope you had as much fun celebrating Halloween as I did!

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