Last Friday I turned 2 years old! Can you believe it? Mommy and Daddy can't! I had a big weekend full of celebrating! On Friday, Mommy and Aunt Hilary and I went to the aquarium and then had a yummy lunch at Chick Fil-A. I got to try chocolate milk for the first time…mmm! Then at home, Mommy and Daddy and I ate macaroni and cheese and green beans for dinner, my favorite! We had cupcakes, too, and I blew at the candle all by myself! After dinner, it was time for presents! We video called GiGi and Daideo, so they got to watch me open my presents, too! It was a super awesome day! Then on Saturday I had my cowgirl birthday party. So fun!
Here's what I'm up to these days:
2 Year Stats
Weight: 31 lbs (90th percentile)
Height: 34.5 in (65th percentile)
Clothes size: 2T
Shoe size: 6W
Diaper size: 5 (but I might be ready for big girl panties soon!)
2 Year Habits
Eating: I'm still a little pickier than I was before, but I'm getting better. My favorite foods are definitely still pasta, Greek yogurt, bread, and milk. I will pretty much always eat green beans, strawberries, and grapes now, so I'm eating some fruits and veggies more consistently!
Sleeping: These days I like to put up a fuss about nap time and bed time. I try crying when Mommy or Daddy leave the room for a few minutes, but if that doesn't work, then I'll just stay in my crib talking and playing. A few times now I've skipped my nap by doing this, but then I get cranky at bed time. At night, I will sometimes talk in my crib for a long time, too, but eventually I go to sleep by myself. Bed time is around 7:30 or 8 these days (unless I skip my nap, and then it's earlier!), and I get up in the morning around 6:45-7.
Play/skills: I love to move! I love to run and jump, and I can climb up and down the stairs by myself if I hold onto the rail. I'm getting pretty good at it! I love just about all of my toys, but some of my favorite things to play with are baby dolls, my purse, legos (duplos), blocks, and my cozy coupe car. I also love to color and paint. I still love reading books, too. My new favorites are the Llama Llama books by Anna Dewdney and Now I'm Big by Karen Katz. I like to listen to Mommy and Daddy read sometimes, but I also LOVE to "read" all by myself too! I'm very into doing things "all by myself" these days! Another new thing that I really like to do lately is sing. I can sing my ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Happy Birthday all by myself! Check out the video of me singing Twinkle Twinkle here:
Communication: I talk alllllll the time these days! I use lots of sentences, and sometimes Mommy laughs at the silly things I say. Some of the silly things I've said lately are, "Mommy hold Cate like a baby?" and "Cate drink coffee like Mama." I also like to do silly things like put my socks on my hands instead of my feet and then say "That's silly!"
Favorite Pics
Picking blackberries with Mommy and
my friends Molly & Charlotte this summer
Brushing my teeth "all by myself!"
Trying on Mommy's hat
Drawing with chalk at the school house at Deanna Rose
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