Sunday, December 21, 2014

Getting Ready for Christmas

I have been having so much fun getting ready for Christmas this year!  This is the first year that I really understand what's happening, and I'm super excited!  I've been helping Mommy bake goodies for our friends, looking at Christmas lights, checking my new Advent calendar for treats and goodies every day, decorating our house, helping Mommy and Daddy wrap presents, and wishing everyone I see "Merry Christmas!"  
Merry Christmas!
A couple weeks ago, we went out to the Christmas tree farm to pick our own tree.  It was so much fun!  There were all kinds of different trees: big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones, spiky ones, soft ones.  We walked around and looked at lots of trees before we picked one out.  Then a nice man cut it down for us and tied it to our car, and we took it home to decorate.

Searching for a tree 
Hunting with Daddy
How about this one?
This one was just my size
But we decided on this bigger one instead!
They had a sleigh just like Santa's to sit on!
Family picture in the sleigh
When we got home, Mommy got out all the Christmas ornaments, and we spent the evening decorating the tree.  First Daddy put on the lights, then Mommy put on the ribbon, then it was time for the ornaments!  I helped with some of them.  I am so proud of our pretty tree!  We put it right in front of our living room window, and I love turning on the lights at night for everyone to see!
Posing by the finished tree with Daddy
It's so pretty!
Then yesterday, Mommy and Aunt Hilary and I went to the zoo to see the animals have some Christmas fun!  It was cold, but we bundled up and had lots of fun!  First we watched the lions open Christmas presents.  They were so silly, they looked just like my kitties playing only a lot bigger!  

Snuggled up with Mommy and ready to watch some lions
The lions digging into their presents
Got one!
Watching with Aunt Hilary

One of the presents looked like a snowman, so I called him Olaf.
That lion got her head stuck in a present.  So silly!

One more peek before moving on to the cheetahs
Next we went to watch the cheetahs run.  Did you know that cheetahs are really fast?  They set up a little race course for them with a little piece of paper for them to chase.  One of the cheetahs was really into it, but the other one didn't care at all!  It was so funny!  Check it out!

After the cheetahs, we went to visit the penguins.  It was time for them to eat, so we got to see the zoo keepers come feed them fish.  
These penguins liked to hang out together
Lunch time! 
Some of the penguins were almost as big as me. 
Last, we stopped to see the polar bears.  They have 2 polar bears at the zoo, but in the winter time polar bears like to be by themselves, so the girl polar bear was inside in her own suite.  We got to see the boy polar bear, Nikita.  He weighs almost 1200 lbs!  
Nikita - Check out his huge paws!
I can't wait for Christmas to be here in just a few days so I can open presents, too, just like the lions!

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