Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Liam Three Month Update

I'm back!  Yesterday I turned three months old!  Can you believe it?  Mommy can't!  She keeps telling me to slow down, but I like this growing up thing because I can do more cool stuff!
Three months old 7/20/15
Weight: About 16 lbs (according to Nana & Papa's bathroom scale), 85th percentile
Clothes size: 3-6 months
Diaper size: 3 (I only wore 2s for about 3 weeks!)
Nicknames: Little guy, Buddy, Bubba, Bubby

-Talking, smiling, cooing, and laughing at just about anyone who will make eye contact with me
-Listening to Mommy sing, especially "Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes" and "The Wheels on the Bus"
-Listening to music in the car, especially Uptown Funk
-Kicking my legs and swinging my arms around
-Looking at myself in the mirror

What's new:
-I can laugh!  
-I can talk much louder.
-I can grab and hold blankets and small toys like rattles.
-I get scared sometimes by loud noises.
-I started going to day care with my big sister last week, and so far I'm a great student!  I even took a 2 1/2 hour nap on my first day!

Video of the month:
Mommy sounds so silly in this video singing!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

4th of July Fun

Did you know that the 4th of July is America's birthday?  So cool!  The whole country has parties all day, and this year my family had a lot of fun celebrating!
Happy 4th of July from the Husseys!
We started off the day by going to the Village Fest.  That's a big festival they have at the city hall in our neighborhood.  We walked there in the double stroller (now that Liam is finally big enough to ride in it with me!).  There was music, food, bouncy houses, a petting zoo, lots of games, and even Queen Elsa was there to visit!  I stood in line for the bouncy house with Mommy and Daddy when we first got there, but then I got a little scared and decided not to do it when it was my turn.  I love to bounce, but I like to do it all by myself the best!  I don't like it when other kids are bouncing and make me fall down.
Check out this rock I found while we were waiting in line!
Instead, we met up with my friend Elizabeth and her mommy and daddy, Eli & Julie, and went over to see the petting zoo.  They had all the normal petting zoo animals (goats, cows, sheep), but then they also had a monkey, a zebra, a kangaroo, and some really big tortoises (those are like turtles, except they live on land instead of the water).  After the petting zoo, we went to the snow tent (yes, they really had pretend snow!), and guess who was there?!  Queen Elsa!  I was too shy to sit beside her and get my picture taken, but I really liked talking to her with Mommy & Daddy.
Petting the goats 
This monkey was so silly!
A miniature zebra 
Meeting Elsa with Daddy
After the snow tent, Mommy and Liam went to wait in line for some ice cream, and Daddy and I walked around and saw some really cool stuff.  First we saw a giant dinosaur that was walking around and putting little kids heads in his mouth (don't worry, it was just pretend!).  Then we saw some kids playing a game called hamster ball.  It looked like so much fun!  I can't wait until I'm big enough to try it!  After that, it was time for ice cream and then we headed home for nap time.
Yummy ice cream!
Ready for our walk home!
After nap time, it was time to go over to Aunt Hilary and Uncle Jake's house for a 4th of July driveway party with the whole family.  Nana and Papa were away on vacation, and so were we, so it was the first time we all got to be together in a few weeks.  Even Auntie Jess (that's Aunt Hilary and Mommy's roommate from college) was in town visiting!  It was super fun!  There was a kiddie pool set up that I played in for a while, and of course there was lots of food, baseball on TV (yes, a TV outside!), sidewalk chalk, and lots of red, white, and blue.  Liam and James even had matching red, white, and blue outfits that GiGi brought for them when she came to visit in May.  They looked so cute!
Splashing Uncle Chris
Lounging and kicking with Aunt Merf
(or as I call her now, Aunt Merlowif) 
She didn't appreciate some of my big kicks 
Little guy in his 4th of July duds (that means outfit)
Nana and Liam came to watch me splash and play 
Nana hadn't held Liam in a few weeks.
She said he's gotten so big! 
Hanging with Nana & taking a rest break
Liam with Aunt Jess 
Aren't they so cute in their matching outfits?!  Thanks, GiGi!
Kisses for Bubba
Love my Uncle Jake!
Aunt Merf's turn to hold Liam
Posing with Nana & Papa by the flag 
Nana & Papa and all their grandkids
The whole Turner family, reunited!
After eating dessert, I was super tired, and so were Liam and Mommy and Daddy.  We packed up and headed home, and everyone was in bed asleep by 9 o'clock.  I heard there are these things called fireworks that are bright lights they shoot up in the sky after dark on the 4th of July.  They sound so cool.  I hope I'm big enough (and Mommy & Daddy are awake long enough) to stay up late enough to see them next year!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Liam Two Month Update

Hi guys!  It's me again, Cate's little brother Liam.  I'm a little late for my 2 month update because we were on vacation at the beach last week.  I've changed a lot in the last month!

Two months old 6/20/15
Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 23.25 in (41st percentile)
Head circumference: 15.25 in
Clothes size: 0-3/3-6 mos
Diaper size: 2
Eye color: dark blue
Nicknames: Little guy, Buddy, Bubba

Eating (still my fav), about every 2.5-3 hours and twice at night
Cooing and smiling
Kicking my legs (especially fun on my piano play gym!)
Watching big sis and smiling at her

What's new:
I can roll from my tummy to my back.
I've started smiling.
I've gotten really good at cooing and started squealing a little bit, but sometimes my loud voice surprises me!
I go to bed around 8-8:30 and can sleep for a 4.5-5 hour stretch.

Video of the month:
Check out this video of me talking to my mommy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tybee Beach Vacation 2015

Last week, we went to Tybee Island in Georgia for our annual (that means every year) beach vacation.  Liam got to come this year, too!  We were both really great travelers.

First, we flew on an airplane to Atlanta, which is where Mommy & Daddy used to live before I was born.  They have some friends who still live there, Julia & Dave, who we visited and stayed with for the night.  They have a little girl now, too, named Ellie.  Ellie and I had so much fun playing together!  We both love Frozen and princesses.  The next morning, we all went to the Georgia Aquarium.  It was the biggest aquarium I've ever seen!  We saw so many animals, even dolphins and whale sharks!  My favorite was the tunnel in the Ocean Voyager exhibit.  We got to walk right underneath the sharks and fish in the great big tank!
Watching Frozen
Time for the aquarium
Looking at all the bright fish
Watching the Beluga Whales
Hi penguins!
Helping Ellie down the stairs
Check out those huge whale sharks!
Family selfie = time for a silly face!
Sitting with my long distance BFF, Ellie

Standing by the tunnel entrance with our friends
After the aquarium, we got in the car and drove to the beach.  It took us a loooooong time to get there because there was traffic and I had to stop to go potty... a lot.  But we finally did get there, and I was super excited to see Sean!  We started playing our favorite game where Sean runs through the house yelling, and I chase after him screaming, too!  So silly!

On Sunday, we got up and went down to the beach.  I had a blast playing in the sand, but I still wasn't sure about the big water.  Sean loves it, and I liked to watch him from a distance, but I didn't really like getting too close.  Liam really liked coming to the beach, too, but it made him sleepy.  The waves in the ocean make the same sound as his sleep sheep (his sound machine that plays while he sleeps), so every time we went to the beach, he thought it was time to sleep!

Mommy & Daddy's friends Christina & Evan who also used to live in Atlanta came up for the afternoon on Sunday and brought their son, Brantley.  Brantley and I had fun digging and playing with "sticky sand" (that's what I call really wet sand).  Matey, GG Daddy, and GiGi's sister Aunt Paige and her daughter Kristen came down on Sunday afternoon to visit, too.  Aunt Paige and Kristen live in Australia, which is all the way on the other side of the world!  I'm so glad they were visiting the same week as us so Liam and I got to meet them!  With all the fun and visitors, I missed my nap time, so by dinner I was super tired, and I almost fell asleep right in my plate of lasagna!
Reunited with my uncle/best buddy 
Daddy and Sean
All ready for my first day at the beach!
Liam's first time in the sand 
Digging and checking out the big water... from a safe distance
Snuggle time on the couch with Matey
for 2 tired kids at the end of the day!
Cousin Kristen taking a turn holding Liam
Aunt Paige got lots of turns, too!
We spent the rest of the week playing at the beach, playing in the pools on the sun porch, running around the house and playing games, and visiting with different family and friends for dinner every night.  We never even left the island for the whole week, which was great!  Liam's car seat just sat in the corner of the den all week long.  He was a very good baby all week.  He would sleep or hang out just about anywhere: on the beach, on the porch, on the floor of the beach house, you name it!  And of course he got lots of cuddles from lots of different family members that he'd never met before.

On Tuesday, Aunt Brennan got there, too.  It was awesome to spend the week with her!  It's been a long time since I got to spend very much time with her.  My favorite thing to do with her was take turns fixing each other's hair.  She can braid so much better than Mommy can!

Family picture time at the beach
Sean LOVES the big water!
Mommy & I built a sand palace, just like
my favorite book character, Fancy Nancy!
I wasn't super happy to take this one because
I had just been down in the big water with Daddy.
Sean and I made a game out of jumping off
a boogie board in the sand.
Surf's up!
We made a pool down at the beach with a tarp every day. 
Aunt Brennan and me soaking our feet in the pool.
Playing in the pool with GiGi
Popsicles in the pool.  Cheers! 
Mommy and GiGi liked cooling off in the pools, too.
Everyday we played and even took baths in the pool
on the porch after coming up from the beach. 
Liam had his own pool on the porch, too!
Nap time on the porch!
Liam and Daddy chilling on the porch 
Coffee and cuddles on the porch one morning for Mommy
Playing with Liam on the porch
Posing with Aunt Brennan after brushing her hair.
It's even longer than Mommy's! 
My happy little brother ready for more beach time!
Liam and Aunt Brennan, his Godmother
Everyone loved cuddling with Liam and
playing with me, especially Matey!
Family picture time on the porch on our last night
Daddy and his siblings and cousin
Matey and Grandaddy and all the grandkids and great-grandkids, except for Kristen's brother, Jordan
Kids picture
The beach gets more and more fun every year!  My favorite parts were playing with Sean and playing in the pools at the beach and the house.  And, of course, the purple popsicles!  Next year Liam will be big enough to run around at the beach and splash in the pools with us, too!  I can't wait!