Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Liam Three Month Update

I'm back!  Yesterday I turned three months old!  Can you believe it?  Mommy can't!  She keeps telling me to slow down, but I like this growing up thing because I can do more cool stuff!
Three months old 7/20/15
Weight: About 16 lbs (according to Nana & Papa's bathroom scale), 85th percentile
Clothes size: 3-6 months
Diaper size: 3 (I only wore 2s for about 3 weeks!)
Nicknames: Little guy, Buddy, Bubba, Bubby

-Talking, smiling, cooing, and laughing at just about anyone who will make eye contact with me
-Listening to Mommy sing, especially "Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes" and "The Wheels on the Bus"
-Listening to music in the car, especially Uptown Funk
-Kicking my legs and swinging my arms around
-Looking at myself in the mirror

What's new:
-I can laugh!  
-I can talk much louder.
-I can grab and hold blankets and small toys like rattles.
-I get scared sometimes by loud noises.
-I started going to day care with my big sister last week, and so far I'm a great student!  I even took a 2 1/2 hour nap on my first day!

Video of the month:
Mommy sounds so silly in this video singing!

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