Saturday, November 28, 2015

Liam's Baptism

My baby brother Liam was baptized last Sunday.  Baptism is when you stand up in front of the whole church and the pastor puts special water on your head.  It means that God loves you, and the church promises to help take care of you and teach you about God as you grow up.  I got baptized when I was a little baby, too.  Liam did a great job!  He didn't get grumpy about the water at all!  He did grab the pastor's hair a little bit, just like he does to Mommy.  Mommy and Daddy's friend Sara Hayden was visiting to preach at church that day, so she got to do Liam's baptism!  I was a little bit squirmy and after Mommy and Daddy said they wouldn't swing me by my arms, I decided to sit on the chancel steps (like I do every week at children's time) instead of standing up with my family.  I had a good view for the baptism that way, and I even got sprinkled with a little bit of the water!  Sara said that was probably good for me.  ;)
Waiting and listening
Time for the water

All done already!
We took some family pictures after.

Liam with Daddy and Christopher, his godfather.
Liam and Christopher

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Liam Seven Month Update

Hey everybody!  Last Friday I turned 7 months old!  I've been very busy getting ready to celebrate my first holidays with my family and trying to figure out how to move all by myself.  I'm getting closer!
Seven months old 11/20/15
Weight: about 20 lbs (82nd percentile)
Height: 27 in (75th percentile)
Clothes size: 9/12 mos
Diaper size: 4
Nicknames: Bubba/Bubby

What's New:
-I love to say "Ba-ba" or "Bubba" (Maybe because I hear Mommy and Daddy and Sis call me that all the time?)
-I'm really good at sitting up all by myself and almost never fall over anymore.  I can even sit up all by myself in the bath tub!
-I can get a few sips of water out of my sippy cup, but I mostly dribble it down my bib or shirt.
-I am pushing myself in circles and backwards on my tummy and trying really hard to push with my feet to move forward.
-I can hold my own bottle.
-I still love grabbing and playing with my feet and chewing on everything, so lately I've been combining those things and trying to chew on my toes!

-I like to snuggle by head butting and digging my forehead into faces/necks.  Mommy calls it aggressive snuggling!
-I really like to watch Baby Signing Time for a little bit, but I get distracted after a while.
-I like to eat most fruits and am getting better at eating vegetables.  If they're green vegetables, Mommy has to mix them with something orange like sweet potatoes or squash or I'll spit them out and refuse after a few bites.  I've also tried a few meats.  My favorite foods are peaches, pears, apple cinnamon oatmeal, and pork with apple and sweet potatoes.  
-I still love to smile and laugh.  I like toys, but I would rather play with people!

Video of the Month:
Here I am showing off my sitting up skills and making my favorite sound, "Bubba."

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Happy Halloween

I had SOOO much fun celebrating Halloween this year!  It was the best year yet!  I loved showing off my costume, decorating, trick or treating, playing games, showing Liam and James how it all works, and of course my favorite part: candy!!!
Tinkerbell & Super Mario
I started the week-long celebration with trunk or treat at our church on Sunday afternoon.  That's when everyone decorates the trunks of their cars for Halloween, and you walk from car to car and trick or treat.  It was so fun!  Lots of my church friends were there, and one of the trunks was Papa's!
We found Papa's trunk first!
Papa and his boys
It was a really nice day!
Check out this monster trunk!
Some of the grown-ups were dressed up, too.
James had fun!
Liam wasn't sure what to think,
but he was smiley as usual! 
Daddy hanging out with Tink & Mario
Sharing candy with my friend Mallory,
the cabbage patch doll
Charlotte was a Minnie Mouse witch!
Next was my classroom Halloween party on Friday.  I don't go to school on Fridays usually because Mommy doesn't work, but she brought me to school just for the party.  It was really cool because Mommy and Liam got to stay with me at the party!  First we had snack, and then it was time for games!  My favorite was the spooky obstacle course.  I did it 3 times!  Plus, you got a treat every time you finished a game, so I got more candy and snacks for my treat bucket!
Kicking the soccer ball into the shapes on the floor
Bean bag toss 
I did it! 
Fishing for treats
Finishing the obstacle course for the third time!
Then on Saturday, Halloween day was finally here!  First we went to Corinth Square, the shops by our house, for a warm-up round of trick or treating in the afternoon.  It was really fun!  It wasn't too crowded, and the shops are all really close together, so it went pretty quick! 
Trick or treat!
Choosing a toothbrush timer color from the dentist's office
Liam got to ride with Mommy
He even had a Yoshi doll to go with his costume! 
Having so much fun!
After Corinth Square, we stopped by Great Grandma & Grandpa's for a quick visit so they could see our awesome costumes!  James was there with Aunt Hilary & Uncle Jake, too.  I had fun showing off my trick or treating goodies and sharing my candy with everyone!
Play time with Mario and the dino
Double trick or treat trouble! 
Silly time on the floor
I love Halloween!
After our quick visit, we loaded back up in the car one more time and headed out to Nana & Papa's house for some real neighborhood trick or treating.  It was my first time, and I had a blast!  Mommy told me I needed to walk up to the front door, ring the doorbell, say "trick or treat," and then say "thank you," after I got my treat.  At first, I kept ringing the doorbell and then saying "trick or treat" before anyone answered the door, but I got the hang of it after a few houses!
First stop: Nana & Papa's house
Liam & James first trick or treat 
Loading up to head out for trick or treating
Walking the neighborhood
After a few houses, I got brave and did it all by myself! 
I even remembered to wait until the door opened
to say trick or treat!
James had a great time for his first Halloween!
Time to head home for the Royals World Series game!