Seven months old 11/20/15 |
Weight: about 20 lbs (82nd percentile)
Height: 27 in (75th percentile)
Clothes size: 9/12 mos
Diaper size: 4
Nicknames: Bubba/Bubby
What's New:
-I love to say "Ba-ba" or "Bubba" (Maybe because I hear Mommy and Daddy and Sis call me that all the time?)
-I'm really good at sitting up all by myself and almost never fall over anymore. I can even sit up all by myself in the bath tub!
-I can get a few sips of water out of my sippy cup, but I mostly dribble it down my bib or shirt.
-I am pushing myself in circles and backwards on my tummy and trying really hard to push with my feet to move forward.
-I can hold my own bottle.
-I still love grabbing and playing with my feet and chewing on everything, so lately I've been combining those things and trying to chew on my toes!
-I like to snuggle by head butting and digging my forehead into faces/necks. Mommy calls it aggressive snuggling!
-I really like to watch Baby Signing Time for a little bit, but I get distracted after a while.
-I like to eat most fruits and am getting better at eating vegetables. If they're green vegetables, Mommy has to mix them with something orange like sweet potatoes or squash or I'll spit them out and refuse after a few bites. I've also tried a few meats. My favorite foods are peaches, pears, apple cinnamon oatmeal, and pork with apple and sweet potatoes.
-I still love to smile and laugh. I like toys, but I would rather play with people!
Video of the Month:
Here I am showing off my sitting up skills and making my favorite sound, "Bubba."
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