Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Liam Twelve Month Update

Hi everybody!  Last week I turned 1 year old, which is 12 months.  That means this is my last monthly update for a while.  What a fast and crazy year it has been!  This last month has been pretty much all about moving to our new house.  Cate and I have both done AWESOME since we moved 2 weeks ago.  Cate loves her new room and all of the space, and I'm pretty much happy anywhere as long as there's food!
12 months old 04/20/16
Weight: 24 lbs 3 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 30 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Clothes size: 18 & 24 mos
Shoe size: 4
Diaper size: 5
Teeth: 8

What's New:
-I am really good at cruising and walking pushing push toys or holding 2 hands.
-I can sit on and push a ride on toy.
-I can say 7 or 8 words, including my new favorites "uh-oh" and "dog" (which sounds like "gog").
-I can wave and say "bye bye."
-I can crawl up the stairs but not down.  I like to crawl to the top and then immediately turn around and sit down with my bottom hanging halfway off the top step so I almost fall before Mommy grabs me at the last second.  It's a really fun game!

Posing with sis
-Water.  I've been taking swimming lessons this month with my cousin, and we both LOVE it!  
-Food.  Some of my favorites are bananas, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and pasta, but I'll eat just about anything!
-My dog, Darcy

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