Friday, August 11, 2017

Aidan 6 Month Update

My baby brother Aidan turned 6 months old last week!  That's half of a year!  He has been very busy learning new things this month and is becoming more and more fun to play with.  He also went on his first big trip to Georgia, and he was a pretty good traveler.  He still loves to smile and laugh!

6 months old 8/2/17

Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz (67%)
Height: 26.3 in (42%)
Head circumference: 45.5 cm (90%)
Clothes size: 6-9/12 mos
Diaper size: 3

What's New
First trip to Georgia and meeting Daideo
Eating lots of baby foods
Sits up with a little help
Holds and manipulates toys
Grabs his feet ALL the time

Fruits, especially pears and peaches
Smiling and laughing
Playing with his toes
Sitting up
Tummy time
Soft books and toys
Being outside

Hanging out with Papa on the 4th of July

He's starting to look a lot like me!

Cousin time

Picking blackberries with Mommy

Snuggle time on the porch swing bed in Georgia

 This soft Hello Baby book is one of his favorites!

Let's go, Royals!

First trip to the beach

He loved hanging out with GiGi and Daideo!

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