Monday, October 22, 2012

My First Party: Sip N' See at Nana's

Last Saturday I had my very first party!  Nana threw a "Sip N' See" party at her house.  That's when all of Nana and some of Mommy's friends come over to sip some fruity drink and see ME!  It was super fun.  I was in a very happy mood and got to meet a lot of new people while I was getting passed around the group.  I didn't really mind because I was being held the whole time!

All dressed up for my big party.
Playing with Aunt Hilary before everyone else got there.
Sitting with my great grandma.  I was distracted because there was another really cool ceiling fan to look at.  Those things are amazing!
Mommy's friend Ashley's turn to hold me!  This was when I was literally being passed around the circle.
Snuggling and playing with Regie, my "grand-Godmother!" 
I stayed awake for the whole party, and then I was so tired later that I slept for 6 hours in a row that night for the very first time!  Mommy and Daddy were really excited, but I'm not sure why...

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