Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Two Month Update

Two months old on 10/22/12
This week I turned 2 months old!  Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe how fast I'm growing up and how much I've changed in the last month!

Two Month Stats
Weight: 12 lbs 15 oz (93rd percentile!)
Length: 23 in (74th percentile)
Eye color: Definitely changing to more of a gray-blue with yellow in the center.  Might be a green-eyed girl like Mommy!
Clothes size: 0-3 months

Two Month Habits
Eating:  I still like to eat a lot!  I nurse about every 3 hours (sometimes 4 if I'm sleeping) and usually take a 4 oz bottle for my last 2 feedings at dinner time and then at bed time.  That way I stay more awake to eat and fill myself up before bed and Mommy and Daddy know how much I'm getting.

Sleeping:  I go to bed around 8:30 and sleep for 5-6 hours until 1:30 or 2am, then get up to eat and go right back to sleep for another 3-4 hours until around 5-6am, get up to eat again, and usually go back to sleep until around 8am.  Lots of night time sleeping!  I'm not such a big fan of napping during the day lately, though.  I will sometimes take one, 2-hour nap in my swing in the morning, but I don't really like to nap for more than about 30-45 min at a time right now other than that, especially in my crib!  Cribs are for night time!  :P

Play/skills:  I am really good at holding my head up on my tummy now and can do it for a few minutes at a time while I look at a toy.  I still especially like to lay on my tummy with my arms propped on my Boppy pillow cause I can hold my head up for a really long time like that.  I even rolled over from my tummy to my back 5 times last week, but I think I forgot how to do it!  I still love my Baby Einstein music radio and will turn my head to follow the lights, and I can also hold a rattle and shake it for a minute or two if Mommy or Daddy puts it in my hand for me.  I can see colors now and like to look at bright toys instead of just black and white ones, and I love to look at people's faces, especially Mommy and Daddy!  I've started smiling at them a lot and making more and more coos and happy sounds. 

Video of the Month

Check out this video of me shaking a rattle all by myself!

Other Favorite Pics

I love my Wubbanubs!
Tummy time on my Boppy
Mommy and Daddy love my sweet smiles!

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