Sunday, June 30, 2013

Aunt Hilary's Wedding/GiGi's visit

Last weekend, Aunt Hilary and Uncle Jake got married!  It was a super busy weekend for Mommy and Daddy cause they both had jobs in the wedding, so GiGi came to visit and hang out with me.  It was so much fun!  GiGi got here on Thursday afternoon, and Mommy had to go get her nails done, so she dropped GiGi and I off at home to hang out.  It didn't take me very long to get used to GiGi again!  She's so silly and fun to play with!
Play time with GiGi

Then on Friday, I got to stay home from day care!  Daddy had to go to work, but GiGi and Mommy and I hung out at home all morning until Mommy had to go to the bridal luncheon.  Then it was just me and GiGi again!  Then Mommy and Daddy had to go the the rehearsal and dinner that night, so GiGi and I got a lot of quality time.  We played and played and played.  GiGi made me work a little bit, too, practicing standing up and signing words like "more."  We even went to the park!
Swing time
Riding the rocking horse with GiGi
Saturday, Mommy and Daddy were gone pretty much all day, but this time I got to come along for a while, too!  I stayed at home with GiGi again until after my afternoon nap, and then we went to Nana & Papa's church, Grace Covenant, where they were having the wedding.  I put on a fancy dress that Nana made for me and took some pictures with the family.  They were all dressed up really fancy, too!  Aunt Hilary looked so pretty in her fancy white dress!  Then I went to the nursery during the wedding with all the other babies.  I guess they were afraid we would be too noisy in the wedding, or something!  The nursery was pretty fun, except they forgot to turn on the air conditioning on that side of the building, so it was really hot with my big fluffy dress!

Practicing my smile for pictures! 
I brought Gerald my stuffed Giraffe as my date.  Daddy says I can't have real dates until I'm 30. 
Family picture before the wedding 
We had to get one with GiGi, too!
After the wedding was over, there was a party called a reception, and I got to go for a while!  Mommy had to stay with the Aunt Hilary and Uncle Jake and the rest of the wedding party, so I went to the party with GiGi and Daddy.  I was pretty tired from all the activity and all my playing with GiGi, so I took a little nap in the car on the way to the party.  When we got there, though, I was awake and ready to go!  There was a high chair for me at our table, so I got to sit and eat with GiGi and Daddy and listen to the speeches and, of course, play some more!  I was trying to grab everything off the table, but Daddy and GiGi wouldn't let me have most of it!  I got to see Mommy for just a few minutes and take a picture with her and Aunt Hilary and all of her other friends and their kids.  After that it was time for me to go.  I got changed into my jammies and had a bottle, then GiGi took me home.  I wish I could've stayed for some dancing, but it was already 8:30, which is an hour and a half after my bed time!  Maybe I'll be able to stay and dance at the next family wedding!  ;)
Play time at the reception
Sunday morning I decided to let Mommy and Daddy sleep in late until almost 7:30 since they were up super late.  Then we went to a brunch at Nana & Papa's house with all of the family who lives out of town.  I got to hang out with some of my little cousins, which was fun, and I took a nap while Aunt Hilary and Uncle Jake opened all of their presents.  After brunch, it was time to head home to relax.  Mommy and Daddy got to spend some time with GiGi since they hadn't spent nearly as much time with her as I had!  On Sunday afternoon, we went to visit some old friends of GiGi and Daideo's, the Sweets, for a little while.  They were pretty funny!  They have a pool in their backyard!  Hopefully I'll get to go swim there soon!  On Monday morning, Daddy took GiGi to the airport to go home.  It was a super fun and super busy weekend, but I had such a blast!  Can't wait to go to the beach in a few weeks and see GiGi again!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Ten Month Update

Ten months old 6/22/13
I turned 10 months old last Saturday, and it was also my aunt Hilary's wedding day!  Mommy and Daddy were pretty busy all day getting ready and taking pictures, so I spent most of the day with GiGi who came to visit and help take care of me for the weekend.  Then I got to put on my special party dress that Nana made me and go to the wedding, too!  I'll tell you all about it next time.

Ten Month Stats
Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz
Clothes size: 9-12/12-18 mos
Diaper size: 3
Teeth: 8

Ten Month Habits
Eating: I LOVE to eat!  I still nurse with mommy in the morning, then take an 8-oz bottle of breastmilk in the late morning, afternoon, and evening before bed.  I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes a snack at 3 o'clock, and I pretty much eat whatever Mommy and Daddy are eating (or whatever they're serving at day care).
Favorite foods: blueberries, strawberries, pancakes, meatloaf, pasta, salmon

Sleeping: I still go to bed around 7-7:30 and sleep until 6-6:30 in the morning.  I take 2 naps when I'm at home for 1-2 hours each, around 9am and 1pm.  At day care I either take a really short morning nap or don't take one at all, though.  I might miss something!

Ten Month Skills
Mobility/play: I'm trying really really hard to figure out how to crawl!  I can get on my hands and knees and rock in place, and I can even move my hands forward a few steps, but then I fall down on my belly because I can't figure out how to move my legs!  I can get from laying on my tummy or my hands and knees to sitting, and sometimes I get one leg stuck when I'm going back and forth.  Nana calls it my cheerleader pose cause it kind of looks like I'm doing the splits.
Favorite toys: shape sorter blocks toy, Leap Frog music table, soft blocks, Bodhi & Odie (stuffed animals my aunts Hilary and Brennan gave me)

Communication:  I started talking this week, so now I get to add this new section to my updates!
Words: Uh-oh
Signs: Dog

Other Favorite Pics
Trying to crawl on the couch
I'm getting good at giving snuggles! 
Play ball!
Long day at the farmer's market...
My awesome new shape sorter block toy
Swimming for the first time

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Uh-oh!" I can talk!

Saturday was a very big day at our house!  My aunt Hilary and uncle Jake got married, and I got to spend a lot of time with GiGi who came to visit, but I'll tell you more about that later!  I also said my very first word on Saturday!  It is, drumroll please...  "Uh-oh!"  I said it for the first time on Saturday morning, and I've been practicing it ever since!  Check out this video that GiGi took of me practicing on Saturday:

Hopefully I'll learn how to say more words soon!  Talking is fun!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Surgery Day

Yesterday I went to Children's Mercy South Hospital (where Mommy and Aunt Hilary work!) to have surgery on my ears.  I've had a lot of ear infections, so they decided to put little tubes in my ears cause I guess it helps that not happen as much.  Mommy and Daddy got me up early and we went straight to the hospital.
About to go in the hospital with my jammies still on!
I brought my elephant, Bodhi with me to keep me company.  I love stuffed animals, and he's one of my favorites!  When we got to the hospital, we went to a big room with lots of little rooms on one side. Mommy and Daddy and I went into one of the little rooms, and they changed my clothes out for a gown.
Putting my hospital gown on and playing with the booties
After that, we met a nurse who listened to my heart and asked Mommy and Daddy lots of questions.  Then she gave me some Tylenol and told us to wait for the doctor.  He was late, of course!  We stayed in the little room and played while we were waiting, which was fun, but I was hungry!  Mommy and Daddy didn't feed me any breakfast, and I couldn't figure out why they didn't understand that I wanted to eat!  I can't wait until I can talk!
Having fun with Daddy while waiting.
Still waiting, getting tired and hungry. :(
Finally the doctor came and another nurse came a few minutes later to take me away.  That nurse recognized Daddy from high school!  Crazy!  Mommy and Daddy came with me down a hallway, and then they just handed me to the nurse and let her carry me away.  I was so surprised that I didn't even have time to cry!  I just looked back at Mommy and Daddy wondering why they weren't coming with me.  Then they put a mask on my face with some air in it that tasted like strawberries, and I fell asleep.  I woke up 15 minutes later and it was already over.  I was scared when I first woke up cause I was hungry and couldn't find Mommy and Daddy, and I felt funny.  Then Mommy and Daddy came and I finally got to eat!  Aunt Hilary came to say hi, too!  After that I was happier.  We stayed for a few minutes while Mommy and Daddy got some instructions from another nurse, and then Mommy changed me into another pair of jammies and we left to go home at about 9:15.  Except for the hour we had to wait beforehand, it was really pretty fast!
One small smile in the car on the way home, before my major meltdown...
I got super tired while we were on the way home and had a little fit, but then we got home and I took a 2 1/2 hour nap.  After my nap I was pretty happy for the rest of the day.  I had a lot of fun playing with my toys, and Mommy and I went for a walk in the afternoon.

Sleeping hard
Up and ready to play
Love my blocks from my new toy!
I got to wear jammies pretty much all day, so overall it wasn't a bad day!  I think it was harder for Mommy and Daddy than it was for me!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Deanna Rose

Today I went on a playdate with my friends Caleb, Shae, and August.  We went to a place called Deanna Rose Farmstead.  There were LOTS of kids there!  They had all these different farm animals, like goats, chickens, cows, and ducks.  It was really fun!
That goat was trying to eat Caleb's toes!
Laughing at the silly goats

There were baby goats,  too!
After seeing all the animals, we stopped to sit on a blanket and eat lunch.  It was silly and messy because we wouldn't sit still!
Lunch time
After lunch, Mommy tried to take a group picture of all four of us.  It didn't go so well...

I wanted to play with Caleb's spoon...
...but he wouldn't let me have it!
Shae didn't want to hold baby August...
...and baby August didn't want to be on the ground!
Mommy tried giving me a bow to play with, which didn't help.
So then she gave me duckie, which helped a little bit
Shae tried to give me a hug to make me feel better, but I just wanted the spoon!
Maybe we'll let them take a better picture next time.  :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mommy Play Date

Last weekend Mommy's friends Laura and Leah were in town visiting, so on Monday they came over to play with me!  Well, I think maybe they came to see Mommy, too...  ;)  They've been friends for a super long time, and they're still really close even though they live far away.  Laura is even my Godmother!  The only one missing was Sara, but she's moving back to Kansas City in a few weeks, so I'll get to see her soon!

Posing in front of the plants at the restaurant
First we went for a stroller walk to Corinth Square where we had lunch at a place called Urban Table.  Mommy wiped this white stuff all over me to protect me from the sun, and we sat outside cause it was a super nice day!  Then we walked back and after a play session with my ducky puppet, I took a short nap in the stroller.  Mommy tried to put me back down in my crib when we got home, but I was having too much fun to sleep any more, so I got up to play some more instead!

Chewing on the cap to my food packet, yum yum!
Play time on the couch
Silly time with my Godmother.  Being upside down is fun!
Giggling with my ducky:

It was a super fun day.  Mommy wishes her friends lived closer so she could hang out with them more, and after the fun I had playing with them on Monday, I think I do, too!  Mommy says it's only 2 weeks until Aunt Sara moves back, and she's gonna live super close so we can even walk to her house sometimes!  Can't wait!