Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Surgery Day

Yesterday I went to Children's Mercy South Hospital (where Mommy and Aunt Hilary work!) to have surgery on my ears.  I've had a lot of ear infections, so they decided to put little tubes in my ears cause I guess it helps that not happen as much.  Mommy and Daddy got me up early and we went straight to the hospital.
About to go in the hospital with my jammies still on!
I brought my elephant, Bodhi with me to keep me company.  I love stuffed animals, and he's one of my favorites!  When we got to the hospital, we went to a big room with lots of little rooms on one side. Mommy and Daddy and I went into one of the little rooms, and they changed my clothes out for a gown.
Putting my hospital gown on and playing with the booties
After that, we met a nurse who listened to my heart and asked Mommy and Daddy lots of questions.  Then she gave me some Tylenol and told us to wait for the doctor.  He was late, of course!  We stayed in the little room and played while we were waiting, which was fun, but I was hungry!  Mommy and Daddy didn't feed me any breakfast, and I couldn't figure out why they didn't understand that I wanted to eat!  I can't wait until I can talk!
Having fun with Daddy while waiting.
Still waiting, getting tired and hungry. :(
Finally the doctor came and another nurse came a few minutes later to take me away.  That nurse recognized Daddy from high school!  Crazy!  Mommy and Daddy came with me down a hallway, and then they just handed me to the nurse and let her carry me away.  I was so surprised that I didn't even have time to cry!  I just looked back at Mommy and Daddy wondering why they weren't coming with me.  Then they put a mask on my face with some air in it that tasted like strawberries, and I fell asleep.  I woke up 15 minutes later and it was already over.  I was scared when I first woke up cause I was hungry and couldn't find Mommy and Daddy, and I felt funny.  Then Mommy and Daddy came and I finally got to eat!  Aunt Hilary came to say hi, too!  After that I was happier.  We stayed for a few minutes while Mommy and Daddy got some instructions from another nurse, and then Mommy changed me into another pair of jammies and we left to go home at about 9:15.  Except for the hour we had to wait beforehand, it was really pretty fast!
One small smile in the car on the way home, before my major meltdown...
I got super tired while we were on the way home and had a little fit, but then we got home and I took a 2 1/2 hour nap.  After my nap I was pretty happy for the rest of the day.  I had a lot of fun playing with my toys, and Mommy and I went for a walk in the afternoon.

Sleeping hard
Up and ready to play
Love my blocks from my new toy!
I got to wear jammies pretty much all day, so overall it wasn't a bad day!  I think it was harder for Mommy and Daddy than it was for me!

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