Monday, June 24, 2013

Ten Month Update

Ten months old 6/22/13
I turned 10 months old last Saturday, and it was also my aunt Hilary's wedding day!  Mommy and Daddy were pretty busy all day getting ready and taking pictures, so I spent most of the day with GiGi who came to visit and help take care of me for the weekend.  Then I got to put on my special party dress that Nana made me and go to the wedding, too!  I'll tell you all about it next time.

Ten Month Stats
Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz
Clothes size: 9-12/12-18 mos
Diaper size: 3
Teeth: 8

Ten Month Habits
Eating: I LOVE to eat!  I still nurse with mommy in the morning, then take an 8-oz bottle of breastmilk in the late morning, afternoon, and evening before bed.  I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes a snack at 3 o'clock, and I pretty much eat whatever Mommy and Daddy are eating (or whatever they're serving at day care).
Favorite foods: blueberries, strawberries, pancakes, meatloaf, pasta, salmon

Sleeping: I still go to bed around 7-7:30 and sleep until 6-6:30 in the morning.  I take 2 naps when I'm at home for 1-2 hours each, around 9am and 1pm.  At day care I either take a really short morning nap or don't take one at all, though.  I might miss something!

Ten Month Skills
Mobility/play: I'm trying really really hard to figure out how to crawl!  I can get on my hands and knees and rock in place, and I can even move my hands forward a few steps, but then I fall down on my belly because I can't figure out how to move my legs!  I can get from laying on my tummy or my hands and knees to sitting, and sometimes I get one leg stuck when I'm going back and forth.  Nana calls it my cheerleader pose cause it kind of looks like I'm doing the splits.
Favorite toys: shape sorter blocks toy, Leap Frog music table, soft blocks, Bodhi & Odie (stuffed animals my aunts Hilary and Brennan gave me)

Communication:  I started talking this week, so now I get to add this new section to my updates!
Words: Uh-oh
Signs: Dog

Other Favorite Pics
Trying to crawl on the couch
I'm getting good at giving snuggles! 
Play ball!
Long day at the farmer's market...
My awesome new shape sorter block toy
Swimming for the first time

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