Friday, October 30, 2015

Liam Six Month Update

Hi everyone!  It's me, Liam!  Sorry I'm late!  I turned 6 months old last week, but it's been really busy at our house lately.  I got my first cold, the Royals are playing in the World Series, and there's been lots of Halloween stuff going on!  Anyway, here's what I'm up to these days.
Six months old 10/20/15
Weight: 20 lbs (82nd percentile)
Clothes size: 9/12 mos
Diaper size: 4
Teeth: 2
Nicknames: Bubba/Bubby

What's New:
-I have 2 teeth!  They're in the middle on the bottom.
-I can sit up by myself for a little bit.
-I'm getting really good at pivoting around on the ground on my tummy.
-I can make lots of new sounds, like "mmm" and "ga."  I'll be talking just as much as my big sis soon!
-I can sleep through the night from 7-7:30 until around 6 in the morning (as long as I'm not teething or sick!).

-Grabbing and playing with my feet
-Playing with tags
-Chewing on everything with my new teeth
-Grabbing Mommy and Daddy's face
-Cuddling by burrowing my head on your shoulder/neck
-Pureed fruits and orange vegetables (I still REALLY don't like any green vegetables)
-Listening to Mommy and Daddy and sis sing silly songs like "If You're Happy and you Know It," "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," and "The Wheels on the Bus"

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