Friday, February 10, 2017

Baby Aidan is here!

Last week, Mommy went to the hospital because my new baby brother Aidan was ready to come out!  He was a few weeks early, but he was ready!  Mommy got sick on Monday night and Tuesday, and then had to go the hospital on Tuesday night because baby Aidan was getting ready to come, but then she and Daddy came home on Wednesday because he started to change his mind.  Then after Liam and I went to bed on Wednesday night, he must have changed his mind again, because Mommy and Daddy went back to the hospital and he was born that night!

Aidan Ryan Hussey, born 2/2/17 at 12:56am

First snuggles with a very tired Mommy

7 lbs 6 oz and 20 in (that's pretty big for 3 weeks early!)

Meeting Daddy
When Liam and I woke up on Thursday morning, Papa was at our house because Mommy and Daddy had gone to the hospital (for the second night in a row!).  Aunt Hilary came over to stay with us because Papa had to go to work, and then finally later that morning Daddy came and brought us to the hospital to meet baby Aidan.  
Our first look at our new baby brother

Mommy and all 3 of us
I LOVE holding him!

Hanging out with Daddy

Isn't he so cute?!
Here we are hanging out as a family of 5 for the first time:

Lots of other friends and family came to visit and meet Aidan while he was in the hospital with Mommy, too.
Aunt Hilary snuggles

Meeting Papa...

... and Nana

Hanging out with Mommy & Daddy's friends, Chris and Lindsay.
Aidan was almost born on Chris's birthday, Feb 4!

Our first picture as a family of 5... Liam wasn't too happy about it!
On Friday afternoon, Mommy and Aidan finally got to come home.  After 3 nights sleeping in a hospital, Mommy was ready for her own bed!  So far we are loving having Aidan, "the little man," home with us.  He is sweet and quiet most of the time!  He sleeps a lot and loves to cuddle or just hang out on the couch with us.  The only thing he doesn't like is changing his diaper.  Sometimes that makes him pretty mad!
Ready to head home from the hospital
I'm such a proud big sister!

Liam is very sweet with Aidan and likes to hold him sometimes and kiss him, too!

Sibling time on the couch

Hanging out in his Boppy

Meeting his cousin, James

Smiles for Papa

Silly face for the camera

We just love this little man so much!

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