Monday, March 6, 2017

Aidan One Month Update

My baby brother Aidan is 1 month old already!  Can you believe it?!  It's been a very fast month because we've kept pretty busy.  Between Liam and I going to school, church activities, my dance class, swimming lessons, and all the other things going on in our lives, little Aidan has been carted along with our family to all kinds of places already.  He's a trooper!

1 month old 3/2/17
Weight: 9 lbs 13 oz (53rd percentile)
Height/length: 20.75 in (24th percentile)
Clothes size: Newborn/0-3 months
Diaper size: Newborn
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: dark blue

Sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night (sometimes!)
Sleeps in crib at night since 3 weeks
Nursing on demand every 1.5-3 hrs
Lifts head on tummy briefly
Awake for longer stretches twice/day in the morning and evening most days

Photo shoots make him sleepy!
Listening to me or Mommy sing
Mommy's milk

Getting in his car seat
Diaper changes

Favorite pics

All the boys


He is pretty awesome...

Meeting Great Grandma...

...and Great Grandpa

Brotherly love

First bath: He was NOT a fan!

Happy to be out of that tub

Big baby blue eyes

Siblings shot from our newborn photo shoot

Mommy and her boys

Tummy time champ
We are all so happy that Aidan is here and can't wait to see him grow and see what he learns in the next month!

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