Sunday, June 4, 2017

Aidan 4 Month Update

Aidan turned 4 months old on Friday.  He's growing up so fast!  We celebrated by spending the day at the zoo with some of our friends from church.  This month he's been getting used to going to day care 2 days a week and going to Nana's house with me and Liam 1 day a week, and spending lots of time outside since it's been so warm and nice.  He loves to watch me and Liam play!
4 months old 6/2/17
Weight: 16 lbs 9 oz (84th percentile!)
Height: 25 in (57th percentile)
Head circumference: 41.5 cm (33rd percentile)
Clothes size: 3-6 mos
Diaper size: 2

What's New:
Giggles and laughs (especially at me and Liam)
Sleeps with his arms unswaddled
Rolls to his side from his back
Sits up in his Bumbo seat
Can hold a rattle for a few minutes


Tummy time
Being held by me
Laughing at Liam
Kicking and swinging his arms
Chewing on blankets or his hands

Checking out a new toy in his Bumbo

School pictures

Hanging at the pool with Daddy during swimming lessons

Liam loves to do tummy time with him!

These 3 are going to get in lots of trouble together!

Happy baby on his blanket outside

First trip to the zoo
Check out this video of me making Aidan smile:

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