Friday, July 14, 2017

Aidan 5 Month Update

Aidan turned 5 months old about 2 weeks ago, but we've been super busy so I haven't had a chance to tell you all about it until now!  This month we've been traveling, playing at the pool, visiting the farmstead by our house, having lots of play dates with friends, and enjoying summer time!
5 months old 7/2/17
Clothes size: 6-9 mos
Diaper size: 3

What's New:
Started trying some baby foods
Pivots around on his tummy or back
Slept through the night a few times
Stares at Mommy's food

Carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, pears
Riding in the Ergo carrier facing forward
Cuddling and chewing on soft blankets and toys
Sucking on his fingers
Sitting up with help
Being outside

First dip in the pool (He loved it!)

Silly selfie with Mommy

Happy stylish boy with Nana at church

Hanging out with Papa in his chair

Sillier selfie with Daddy

First trip to the farmstead with Bubba and Mommy
while Daddy and I were out of town in Georgia

Hanging out with me on the couch!

Being silly on the floor together before school and rockstar dance camp

Reading bedtime stories with me and Daddy

Our whole family on the 4th of July

He's always happy to hang out on a blanket outside.

Check out this video of Aidan trying his first baby cereal.  He wasn't sure what to think at first, but he usually loves eating now!

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