Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Liam Four Month Update

Hey everyone!  I turned 4 months old last Thursday!  Sorry I'm a little late posting.  We've had a super busy week because my sister also turned 3 on Saturday, and then my cousin James was baptised on Sunday, but I'm sure Cate will tell you all about that later!
Four months old 8/20/15
Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz (97th percentile)
Clothes size: 3-6 mos
Diaper size: 4 
Nicknames: Bubba

-Smiling at EVERYONE
-Kicking my legs and standing up and bouncing in laps
-Moby & Gryffin, my loveys
-Laughing at my sister
-Playing with my cousin, James

What's new:
-I can pivot on my tummy and scoot on my back (see my pictures above!)
-I get to sit in my high chair at the table while my family is eating dinner, so naturally I'm obsessed with staring at everyone's food!  When do I get some of that?
-I can reach and grab toys, blankets, and even Mommy's pizza...
-I've slept through the night a few times!
-I sometimes get upset when Mommy or Daddy puts me down and walks away.

Video of the month:
Check me out with my new exersaucer toy!  I wasn't sure how to use it at first, but then my cousin James showed me!

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